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*the episode of Hollywood exes Selena talks about^^^^*

Going out with my friends to the mall seemed like a chore to me. My friends had been bugging I go out with them. I decided I would today. Ever since I've been parted with prince it's been killing me. I know it's only a week and really only 3 days until I see him again but he seems so far away and he can't call me until way late so I've been missing his calls. It just sucks.

Sitting at the Ice Cream Parlor with my best friend Sarah and my brother A.B. "How's the big deal with prince going!" Sarah asked. Hearing his name made me shiver. "It's great! We haven't started working yet but we're very good friends." I lied.

"Selena, are you seeing someone." She whispered. Sarah is my best friend. She knows exactly what's going on and when it's going on. I couldn't lie to her. "Yes" I whispered. "Who!" She silently exclaimed. "Well...prince." She gave me a look of disapproval "no way." She said.

Taking a bite of my ice cream I said "why not." "He's old enough to be your father, grandfather even!" I rolled my eyes. "I love him though." I said. "Ok Selena. I'm happy for you, I'm just saying." She said.

"When did all this start." She asked. "Well we kissed and I guess it evolved from there." I said smiling. "Well you gotta think. Is this someone you'd marry? Nope" "actually it is. He's the nicest ever." I said rolling my eyes at her silence.

Thinking about him and his touch and his laugh and just everything. It made me sad. I just wanted him to be here now to hold me and tell me it'll be alright. My dads been constantly at me ever since we got caught. I just know p could make everything go away.

Taken out of my daze by A.B yelling "you guys! Smile!" Holding his camera ,me and my best friend smiled.

Finally getting home I plopped down onto the couch with my mom and ate some food

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Finally getting home I plopped down onto the couch with my mom and ate some food. Food- my only saviour in life and this depression from being away from p. Turning on the TV the Arsenio Hall Show came on. I was happy because I found Arsenio quite funny and I thought he'd lift my spirits. Trying to forget about p at the moment and focus on Arsenio it was just my luck who the guest was. 

Watching him come out in his fur coat with a sexy purple turtle neck and his gold chain I liked so much made me tremble

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Watching him come out in his fur coat with a sexy purple turtle neck and his gold chain I liked so much made me tremble. Just seeing his face again. Knowing he was alright and looking damn good made me happy. 

My mom gave me a nod as if to recognise my manager was on TV. Watching as he waved to his fans and sat down I couldn't take my eyes off of him. His gorgeous eyes I would look into as I moaned his beautiful name in passion. His plump lips that would worship my neck. His hands that would roam my body in need. God how I loved this man.  

I began to listen to his deep soothing voice. He was mesmerising me so much. I also felt a sense of pride when I saw the women screaming his name at the start. Yet there he sits, a taken man, a God in the eyes of some women yet he belongs to someone like me. A goofy 17 year old Latina from Texas. Man I felt like I owned the world. But then again here I was. Longing for him. I belonged to him just as much and I needed him. I had realised that now.

Seeing him crack one of his cheesy smiles I couldn't contain my giggles at his cuteness

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Seeing him crack one of his cheesy smiles I couldn't contain my giggles at his cuteness. My mom looked at me like I was a maniac but I didn't care. He was cute and I wanted to express that.

A little later in the show he called a woman to break up with her for her boyfriend. It was quite hilarious. But the part that gave me butterflies and made me feel so good about myself was when she asked him if he was available and he told her he wasn't. I couldn't contain my smile as I stared at the man on the screen. I just wished he was here in person so I could wrap my arms around him and look after him.

As the show ended I smiled, refreshed I got to see his beautiful face again. I slowly walked up the stairs and laid down again. All I've been doing is sleeping. Waiting basically. Until I can see him again.

Turning on a TV show in my room I was surprised when I saw princes exe wife on my screen. 'Hollywood Exes' it was called. I watched as all the women seemed very humorous and I liked that.

I studied the woman they called Mayte. She was very beautiful far more beautiful than I could ever be but I know prince would tell me different but she still intimated me. She was also Latina witch made me feel strange. Maybe p is into Latina's. No. He loves all women.

As the next scene came on it deeply infuriated me. I felt sick to my stomach and as though I wanted to hit this woman right up the face with my chancla. She was pulling all of princes things out that she had kept and they were wearing his clothes and making fun of them. I quickly shut off the TV.

Damn how arrogant and horrible some women are. That man would do anything for anyone yet they mock him like that. It just made me so so angry. Why does she even have his things?

Maybe it was a tint of jealousy but when her friends spoke about how maybe she missed him I felt sad. She was an older pretty woman. Maybe she'd have a chance to have this wonderful man if I wasn't in her way. 

I was knocked out of my thoughts by the loud sound of the phone ringing. "Hello" I answered the white telephone. "Oh so you decided to answer this time." A voice said. A voice too familiar and sent butterflies to my stomach. I could tell he was upset with me. "Prince you've been calling me so late at night!" I said fiddling nervously with the cord "well I'm calling from the back of a limo right now. That's why I can call early." Staying silent I didn't want to talk because of his rude greeting. "Did you watch the show?" "Yep" I answered coldly. "So I spend time worrying about you and calling you and when you finally decide to answer I get one word answers!?"

His angry side scared me a lot. "I'm sorry" I said "just stuff is going on. I didn't mean to take it out on you." I said feeling guilty. He really did care and it flattered me when he said he was very worried. "It's ok. I've just missed you, that's all. How've you been baby?" He sighed realising he was pretty hard on me. 

"I've been ok. Just missing you, I dunno. I can't wait to see you again." I said smiling. "Well. Believe me it'll be worth the wait." He said. Smirking I began to think of what he had planned. "Why's that?" I said. "You'll see mama. You'll see. Listen. I gotta go. I'll see you soon mama. Hang in there." "I'll try." I giggled "I love you" he said "love you too." I said smiling at his words. "Ok sweet dreams mama." He then hung up.

Laying my head down on the pillow I couldn't wait to see him again. I missed him terribly. God how ready I was for this surprise he has for me.

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