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On the first 5 minutes of the plane ride to Texas I clung to prince. I hate aeroplanes. 
We were going to Texas to my home I grew up in, my mom and dad live there again and they are holding a special celebration we have every year. Basically the whole family comes, my cousins and people like that. I somehow dragged prince into it.

With my legs now laying on his lap I watched as he slowly wrote on my exposed legs with his fingers. "Ya think maybe one day we'll have a family. A kid or two to call our own." He said still dancing his fingers across my skin. "Definitely" I said smiling. Somehow this conversation always came up. I knew he wanted it bad. 

I noticed a layer of sweat now lined his forehead. Swinging my legs off of him I went to unbutton his jacket. "Don't. I'm freezing." He said. I couldn't understand. I looked at the dark circles under his eyes that looked heavy and tired. "Prince, how long have you been sleeping at night?"

This question seemed to annoy him. "I've been up 4 days now." Now that just annoyed me. It actually angered me that maybe me being in hospital had caused it. "Prince that isn't good! I want you to have a sleep now. A nice long rest. How do you expect to see my family and celebrate tomorrow with no sleep!" I said, the worry was indescribable.

"Have you been drinking?" I asked. "Well yeah..." "Tell the truth, prince." I said sternly. "No." He said putting his head down. "Great! Just great! You Exhaust yourself, but that ain't enough so you decide to dehydrate yourself too! What is this a competition?! See how long I go without dying!" I shouted annoyed at him. I didn't care how hard I was being on him. He is my boyfriend. And I'll do anything to make sure he's healthy and feeling good.

As I saw the really sad look on his face I realised he didn't need me yelling at him. Especially if he's so tired. As he now sipped on the water I handed him, "why aren't you sleeping baby? There has to be a reason." I asked. "It hurts Selena." He said "my hip hurts so bad. When I lay down its worse. It's so painful." He said as he held his hip. I could see the pain in his eyes.

"Lay down." I said. As I got off the bed of the private plane he laid down. Unzipping his heels I slipped them off. "No more of these when we're at Paisley together. This is what's causing the problem." I said throwing them on the ground. Taking off his socks I saw cuts on his feet. He must have saw me looking because I heard his voice "it's from my shoes. They cut into me sometimes." He admitted. I nodded as I Unbuttoned his jacket, and took off his top. Them heels. That's what's doing it. But it was like pulling teeth trying to convince him not to wear them. His chest was very sweaty. Not one minute do I believe he was freezing.

Now slipping his trousers off he was left wearing only his white underwear. The bulge he had going on was unbelievable. And he wasn't even hard! "What are you gonna do?" He asked. "Shh just close your eyes and try and sleep." I told him. Once his eyes were closed I began needing his hip and rubbing it, basically trying everything I could to soothe it. "That feels good. Keep doing that one." He said. He liked the needing so I continued doing it. "Ok." I whispered kissing his thigh.

The sounds of his soft breathing ceased and the heavy breathing began. He had fallen asleep. I stopped my movements all together and pulled the blanket over him. I was more than happy to see him finally sleep.

As I walked into the sitting part of the plane I was met with Kirk. Kirk Johnston. To be honest I really didn't like that man. Every time p's hip would play up he'd always jump to pain killers, convincing prince to take them. And he's giving him strong pain killers. Prince has a smaller body, he can only take so much. And not to mention Kirk is just damn creepy around me.

"So your a pretty young thing aren't cha. I've seen your music videos and all that." He smirked. See, creepy right?. "Well... Thanks I guess." I said nervously "so you fucking prince now huh?" "Excuse me!?" I shot back. "Chill mama." He said "don't call me mama and never ask about my life again. It doesn't concern you." I said.

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