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As my mom walked into the private room Reina jumped up into her arms. "Ok we're going to go now" she said taking Reina into her arms. "Ok, thank you so much" I said kissing her cheek and kissing Reina "be good for grandma alright?" I warned her to witch she nodded.

"Where is she going" prince asked concerned. "I asked mom to take her for a few days while you rest" I told him, kinda upset with him. "Right" he said kissing Reina and watching as my mom took her away.

"So you wanna explain?" I asked. "Well... What do you know?" He asked nervously. "I only know what Reina told me" I said, slight fury rushing through me.

"What did Reina say?" He asked "well she said uncle Kirk came and daddy got dizzy" I said tears welling up in my eyes as I partly knew the answer. "Did you take drugs?" I asked him with anger rushing through my veins.

"sel... I had to" "no you didn't! You fucking didn't! You didn't!" I cried as the tears ran down my face. Is he serious. In front of our daughter?

"I'm sorry" he said pulling me into his arms but I quickly struggled to get out. "Why would you do this to us!" I shouted "our daughter saw that?!" I said crying. He ended up being too strong for me and forced me into his embrace as I cried into his chest.

"It was Kirk. I hate him" I cried. "Shhh it's alright..." He whispered. "I hate him" I wailed as the never ending tears flew down my cheeks. That man almost took my fiancé away from me. The only thing I've got in life.

Finally getting home, I tidied up Reina's dolls she had left laying around. Coming out of the shower he gazed at me, me quickly looking away.

"I'm sorry" he told me, sitting down on the couch. I just stared at him, trying to control my emotions. Sitting down on the couch, I got a closer look at him. He was sad.

"Just promise me one thing and we'll forget about all this" I asked him taking his hand into mine. His eyes stared hungrily into mine "anything"  "get Kirk out of our lives" I told him.

"Sel.... He's a friend" he told me. That angered me. "A friend?! Friends don't give out dangerous drugs. Prince that man almost killed you... He almost took you away from me. He almost took away that little girls daddy. She'd be burying her father at the age of 4... Not able to fully experience the amazing person you are. Growing up needing her daddy so much, yet he wouldn't be there because of a pill." I said with tears in my eyes.

He just put his head down. "See this?" I said pulling my shirt down slightly, reviling the scar on my shoulder. "This is how close I came to death. I would be dead right now. That little girl we love so much wouldn't exist right now if the bullet had of been aimed slightly more to the right. You want me to be friends with Yolanda?!" I asked. "No! Obviously not..." He said glaring at me.

"Well I don't see a difference between him and her. There are people who just wanna hurt others. We can't let that interfere with us. We've got our family" I told him. "I know. That's all I've ever wanted. You know I don't sleep at night because real life is better than any dream ever?" He told me "my family is you and Reina and thats all I want in life. That's all Selena" he said as tears ran down his face.

I quickly pulled him into my arms, us both embracing each other. "Promise me" I begged him. "I promise..." He whispered before latching onto my earlobe, sucking the sensitive piece of flesh as I moaned.

"3 weeks... I haven't came in 3 weeks" he whispered. I smirked at him "when we met you hadn't came in 5 years... I'm sure you can handle a few weeks" I told him.

"Yeah but that's different. I didn't know what it felt like back then. To be inside a pussy as wet, and tight as yours. God it's addictive" he growled making me gasp at his words.

Now laying back on the couch he was on top of me still talking. "What about you? Have you came in these 3 weeks" he asked me, his deep hazel pools staring right into my soul.

"Once..." I whispered "how?" He asked kissing my collarbone "I touched myself." I admitted to him. "Why didn't you call me" he growled, palming himself as he listened to my words, his lips still latched to my neck and chest "it was late".

"I wouldn't have cared... You know how much I love hearing those pretty moans? I would have given anything to hear you make yourself cum" He told me as I felt myself dripping, a puddle in my underwear for sure at this whole conversation. "Did you think of me?" He asked.

"Yes" I gasped "what did you think of?" "You touching me, and kissing me... How good it feels when we do it... Your moans" I told him. "I want you right now" he told me "and I get what I want" he said unbuttoning my jeans and pulling them quickly from my body, then pulling my panties down fiercely, slightly ripping the thin material making me gasp.

Levelling his head at my heat, he wasted no time. Slowly dragging his tongue across my aching flesh, I groaned. "Mmm I've missed that taste" he groaned and began to suck at me, circling my entrance with his index finger.

Pushing his fingers inside I whimpered. "Please" I begged him "I want you inside..." He simply nodded, leaving a kiss on my aching folds before pulling his trousers down.

Laying in his arms, the sweat still lining our bodies from the moment we just had I sighed. I missed this. Reina and touring just takes up so much of our time that we hardly get to spend time together.

"This is nice..." He whispered I guess feeling the same way. "Yeah we hardly get to do this anymore. Ya know. Just chilling" I told him. He placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Today has been crazy" I sighed. "Yeah... You gotta go to work right?" He asked with worry in his eyes. "No... I cancelled the tour... Some things are far more important than money" I told him. He nodded "I'm sorry you had to do that"

"I'm thinking of dropping an album this summer" he told me. "Oh cool" I smiled. "Yeah... I got a few good ones I've recorded recently." He said. "I think you should, your amazing" I said kissing his chest.

💜 IDEK y'all... 😂😂😂 this is real short but ah well... Thanks. Please comment👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽💜

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