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2 weeks. It's been almost 2 weeks now since I've seen my wife or children. To be honest... I just can't handle it anymore. I've tried everything to occupy myself and keep my mind off of it. Reading, recording, writing.  It just isn't enough. Id much rather be playing with my children and making love to my wife.

This was it. I just was at my breaking point and I needed to see them. Plus it was 7:00 pm. I've still got time before Reina goes to bed. Grabbing my car keys I literally ran to my car, speeding off.

After a little traffic I finally made it to Selena's moms house. There was my beautiful girl sitting on a picnic blanket with her little teddy bears. Jumping out of the car, almost immediately I called her name running to the gate and flinging it open "Daddy!!!" She screamed to the top of her lungs as she ran to me. I immediately dropped to my knees to her height.

As she finally got to me, she crashed into my embrace, her skin immediately connecting with mine again never felt so good. "I missed you so so much mama... I missed you so damn much" I said into her shoulder as tears welled up in my eyes.

"I missed you more daddy" my little girl told me, pulling at my heartstrings. "Where's Matias?" I asked in a quieter tone. "He's inside with mommy. Granny and grandpa are out shopping." She told me. I was over the moon that Abraham or Marcella weren't there.

Walking inside Selena was dancing around the kitchen with Matias in her arms, him gently giggling every time she'd turn I couldn't control my smile watching them.

"Selena" I gently said snapping her out of her moment "what are you doing here?" She asked. Staring at Matias in her arms, god he's just so beautiful. "I came to see my children... And my wife" I told her.

Taking Matias off of her, he immediately clung onto me, his little hands trying to grip my skin. I can't tell you how comforting this was right now. Having both my children around me.

For an hour I've been sitting in this cold house, but surrounded by my children witch made me more than happy. I'd love nothing more than to take them home.

"So your not happy to see me I take it?" I sighed while staring hungrily into her eyes. "I am. I'm just- if my dad comes home and sees you here" she sighed "what. What's he gonna do. He can't do shit to me." I told her as I scoffed at even the idea of that prick.

"I love you" she told me. Immediately I was pulling at her and she willingly submitted, quickly getting into my lap, she snuggled into me as I nursed her. "I'm not feeling too good. I feel sick" she told me. "It's probably this house. It's cold in here. I don't want you or my children here any longer sel" I told her. She gently kissed my neck.

"I gotta put Reina to bed" my wife told me as she kissed my nose, getting off of me. "I'll come with you" I told her.

As Reina laid in the guest room bed of Selena's moms house, I just longed for her to be at Paisley, but Selena agreed we'd all go back in the morning since Mattie is in his crib and asleep already.

"We're going home tomorrow baby... Mommy and daddy aren't gonna yell no more. We're gonna be just fine" I told my little girl as I tucked her in, these red sheets so much more stiffer than her cosy ones at home.

"I can't wait to go home... I hate it here daddy" she told me. I just kissed her cheek "you get some sleep... I'm gonna stay with mommy tonight so you'll be just fine mama" I smiled at her.

Laying on the couch, Selena laid on top of me, playing with my chest hair. "I feel like I've known you all my life" I told her as my fingers traced her exposed back "so do I. I feel like everything before you is just a big blur. Like I was created by God for you. Only for you" hearing her tell me that made me smile.

"You ever hear the story of Isis and Osiris?" I asked curiously. "No... Tell me it" she said her eyes growing with curiosity.
We'd do this often, tell each other stories.

"Well Isis married her brother Osiris, and they were very much in love. But one day her other brother killed her husband in jealousy. He was chopped into 14 pieces and hidden. Isis was determined to find her husbands remains and put him back together, using bandages. That's why the Egyptians started mummifying people. The Egyptians think that the river Nile flooded because of the tears Isis wept for her husband" I told her.

She stared at me in curiosity and confusion. "So no matter what circumstances people are in, they can still feel a love so strong to determine things. To make things happen good or bad" I told her not sure if I was making any sense but I had a feeling she understood. I think she's the only one who really does understand my spirituality.

"Are you afraid of death?" She asked me. I was taken aback by this question. In my younger days I would have answered by saying I'm not afraid of anything. But to be honest the thought of dying discomforts me.

I just have it so good that id never want to leave. I want to watch my children grow up and I want to live to see grandchildren even. So the thought of dying before any of that happens. It scares me. "I don't know mama..." I told her. "Are you?" I asked quietly.

She just buried her face into my neck more "sometimes... Sometimes things get too much and-" just then she burst out crying.

I could understand.  I stroked her long beautiful hair slowly as she cried quietly. She's suffered with depression for about 2 years now. Some days it gets so so bad. Some days she's fine. I'm so proud of her though.

"I love you" I told her kissing her forehead "your my everything" just then the door flung open, making both me and Selena jump up like two teenagers who'd been caught.

Her parents didn't look pleased to see me to say the least. "What are you doing here!" Abraham said angrily "man look I'm just here to see my wife and kids ok" "don't you 'man' me... Your nothing but a low life ba-" "dad! Will you just shut up a second" Selena said cutting her father off.

"Look all we needed was a break and we had that. Now we're OK. We're going to be ok. I don't care what you think to be quite honest dad, cuz he's my husband. My husband. Im a grown woman and I know what I want with my life and I want my husband and children. So can you please have respect for my husband. Because its horrible that your always getting at him. He's done nothing wrong to you personally" she announced. I was proud of her for standing up to that dick.

"Selena I'll have a problem with him till the day I die. To be honest I wish I had never sent that email. Maybe you wouldn't have met this... This monster and wouldn't of had those fucking mistakes of children, I mean Reina was born out of wedlock. The fucker was so eager to have more that he fucking killed the last one because it was too soon after Matias. Maybe the baby's better off dead. Having a whore of a father like that"

Right then and there I jumped up to hit him, until Selena jumped in the way, pulling at me "prince no!" She said with tears in her eyes. "What you gonna do huh!? Hit me!? Just like you hit your wife right!? Your not man enough to hit me motherfucker huh!? You only hit little 22 year old girls!?" He yelled.

I just shook my head in anger as Selena tried to lead me outside, Marcella screaming at Abraham. It was a blur to be honest. It happened too quick.

Standing in the hallway she kissed my cheek "don't listen to him. He's a bastard prince. He's a fucking dickhead" she said as tears streamed down her face. I just closed my eyes. I didn't know how to process what he'd said. It was so dehumanising and disgusting. How could he talk about his own grandchildren like that.

"I love you" she cried into my neck as I held her close "it's ok mama. I'm not bothered. I'm too good for that" I convinced myself "yes. You are." She said wiping her tears away.

Marcella walked out into the hallway and immediately apologised. I'd just love to know what his problem is. Why is he trying so hard to destroy our family? 

-ok guys that's it for tonight 😊 it got kinda confusing but ah well 😂😭 once again thank you all SO SO SO much for all the comments and participation and love and support. It means the world to me. PLEASE COMMENT your opinions thoughts and questions below as they help me out a great deal. So what do you think of prince and Selena being back together so quickly? Do you think Abraham took it too far? Do you think prince should have done more? What do you think will happen next? 💜💜💜💜💜-

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