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"He's almost here Mrs Nelson.  We've almost got him." They told my wife as she began to cry. Wiping each tear away, I kissed her tear stained cheeks.

"He's alright. He's going to be alright. We're going to be alright" was all I could continuously whisper into her ear, as her hand met my neck, she kept me there so she could hear me comforting her. 

It seemed to take a very long time, but then we heard "congratulations". The feeing of pure joy over came me.

"Why isn't he crying" my wife asked concerned as she began to cry. "Shh it's ok" I said quickly getting up and looking. They had been putting tubes up his nose already. Looking at his little face he was the most beautiful Angel.

"What's that for?" I asked as they attached his little breathing mask. "Sir your child is premature. He needs all the help he can get, we're just making sure he's ok" he said. Watching as the female nurse put on the tiniest little diaper I'd ever seen I couldn't help but smile.

I looked over at Selena and nodded, reassuring her he was ok.

Suddenly I became a liar. The terror hit my face immediately. "He isn't breathing" I heard the doctor tell the nurse before attaching more tubes to my little boy.

"What's going on?" I asked walking closer. "Sir, we're just going to take him into surgery ok" she said before rushing off with my child on the little baby bed.

I was beyond terrified. My wife laid in pain and shock just crying as she heard everything. Rushing to her, I kissed her cheek "he's gonna die isn't he! I didn't even get to hold him!" She wailed as she cried so strongly. Crying for her baby boy. "No baby... He's fine. He's completely fine. He's just a little sick.... God he's beautiful Selena" I smiled.

"I'm gonna go be with him" I told her, not wanting him ever to be alone. "Yes prince... Please go" she said longing for her baby to be safe.

"You wanna take him now?" The nurse asked after sitting for 6 hours in the waiting room. "Yes!" I smiled. Walking into the surgery room, I saw my little boy now asleep, a scar across his little heaving chest. "Would you have a blanket?" I asked as I didn't.

We were so unprepared. We didn't expect to be giving birth today.

The nurse handed me a pink fluffy blanket. Wrapping my baby boy in the blanket, he was gasping softly for air. The nurse had told me that was normal.

Quickly entering Selena's room, she had been fixed up already. Looking down my baby boys eyes were open. Dark dark brown orbs stared at me. "Hey baby" I smiled. "Oh my god!" She gasped in relief to see me with him.

"Is he allowed to be fed?" She asked the nurse. "Yeah he should be fine for feeding right now" she smiled before leaving.

Watching as she took her top off, she covered up one breast with the rest of the long blanket our child was wrapped in. Almost as soon as he was rested beside her breast, his little mouth found her nipple, slowly feeding on his mother. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever witnessed.

"Matias" she whispered. "It means gift from God." She smiled. "Perfect" I said kissing her cheek.

As we both watched him feed I couldn't help but chuckle everytime he'd stop and look up at his mother, curious. Hearing her sing gently to him, I couldn't wait to get him home. So Reina can meet her brother.

-2 weeks later -

I woke up to the sound of crying once again. 4:36am. This is my reality now though. Walking over to his bassinet his eyes were bright as he stopped crying. "What's wrong baba" I nursed as I took the small baby into my arms. He was still so so small and looked so much like Selena.

Grabbing the bottle Selena had ready, I sat on the cost chair in our room, holding our now quiet boy and began to feel him the Breast milk Selena had pumped for him

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Grabbing the bottle Selena had ready, I sat on the cost chair in our room, holding our now quiet boy and began to feel him the Breast milk Selena had pumped for him.

She was still feeling really sore, her mental health hasn't been the greatest either. She's just really sad recently and that makes me sad, but I gotta be strong for her and my children.

Watching his little eyes open and gaze into mine I smiled and sang quietly to him.

"Twinkle twinkle little star,
How I wonder what you are,
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky.
Twinkle twinkle little star,
How I wonder what you are..."

Watching his eyes softly close, his suction on the bottle went to a stop. Slowly standing up, I put him back into bed, leaving the covers off as it was pretty hot in our room.

Getting back into bed slowly, careful not to wake Selena, it was too late. Her eyes slowly fluttered open and gazed at me. Pulling the covers over myself, I snuggled closer to her. "Did he feed?" "Yeah mama... He's all good" I smiled as she got close enough to rest her head on my shoulder, my arm wrapped around her.

"Are you sore?" I asked. I just feel so sympathetic sometimes. Her breasts have been hurting from the amount of pumping and breastfeeding and her scar has been aching slightly. Getting a C-section wasn't our choice or maybe she wouldn't be in so much pain. But then again it was either get the C-section or lose our baby boy. I'm so glad that they could tell he was sick before  it was too late.

"A little... I'll be alright" she smiled closing her eyes. "I love you Selena... I'm so proud of you... I don't know how to thank you, for everything" I whispered. Watching her smile, she kissed my neck. "Would you have ever imagined this maybe 5 years ago. When we just met. Ya know... That we'd be married, two kids... This madly in love" she giggled quietly. "Never" I said smiling "I guess I knew there was something special about you. But I didn't think anyone would do anything like that" I smiled.

"I was so excited when my dad sent that email" she told me. I chuckled thinking about that day. The day that changed my life.

"You know I wasn't even gonna reply. I was gonna delete the email, then I just decided to read it" I said chuckling "I'm glad you did" she smiled "so am I" I whispered kissing her forehead.

"They're beautiful" she whispered after maybe 3 minutes of silence. "Who" "our kids. We made beautiful children" "obviously... I mean have you saw me, your alright and all but It was definitely my genes" I joked making her slap my chest giggling. "Nah I'm kidding. I guess it's because I was... alright in my younger days. But you mama. Damn your the most beautiful woman in the world. It'd be hard not to have beautiful children with you" I whispered.

"I love you" I heard her whisper making my heart flutter, as it does everytime she's ever said that to me. "I love you too" I said kissing her forehead. Watching her snuggle into my shoulder more, making herself comfortable, she began to slowly fall asleep.

Listening to her heavy breathing and the little snores of our newborn just across the room, slowly but surely rocked me to sleep.

💜I know... This ones even shorter 😂😂 but I'll have more chapters up tomorrow! Love you all... Have a blessed night. I appreciate you all so much! Comment your opinions and thoughts💜

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