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I don't know why I did it. I don't know why I allowed her to even touch me. It just happened. I was feeling vulnerable. This is the first time it's ever happened. 

"Let's sit and work this out like adults" Selena's mother suggested after there was a whole screaming match and at one stage Abraham threw a vase at me. It obviously didn't hit me though. Brotha got poor aim. Marie had taken the children out of the road way before this so it was all good in that way.

As we sat down my heart was pounding watching Selena sit at the other end of the room. I was aching to be with her. But if I even as much as looked at her and Abraham would go off again.

"We don't care what you did. All we know is you've cheated on our daughter, you've beaten our daughter and just all together failed her as a husband" Marcella told me making my heart sink. "So I think the safest option right now is for her and the kids to come home with us" Marcella added.

I was panicking to say the least. I don't want my babies to leave me again. My beautiful wife. I don't want them gone because of some stupid woman. I hate Andy now. I wish she never entered my life.

"Sel... I'll change... I'll get help" "you've said that all before!" Abraham yelled. Tears welled up in my eyes making me embarrassed but feel so weak for my wife. "Sel you know I've been trying... I've been trying" I desperately told her. Seeing her nod slightly gave me the tiniest little bit of hope. 

"I'm sorry!" I cried finally as the tears flew out of my eyes, I quickly buried my face in my hands embarrassed to cry in front of another man or her mother "I'm so so sorry... Your all I want. Your all I've ever ever wanted" I cried hysterically.

Feeling someone pull me into they're arms, I just can't believe how angelic she is. I've done this to her, destroyed her beautiful heart but if she gets the slightest hint I'm even upset, she rushes to my side.

I wrapped my arms around her desperately as she sat down beside me, I buried my face into her neck as the tears continued to flow. "Your crazy to even let him near you" her father commented.

"I'm not right... I'm sick" I cried into her gorgeous honey coloured skin. "Yes! You fucking are! Your a sick bastard!" Abraham yelled.

"Please sel... Don't leave me. Please don't leave me, I won't know what to do, don't take my children from me. Don't go" I begged her somewhat pathetically. She just let me go and moved back to her seat silently.

"I want you to go pack a bag for you and the kids. I'll keep him here" Abraham said. Selena quickly walked out of the room to follow her fathers instructions.  "Abraham why would you do this? You don't have to do this..." I said wiping my tears from my now bloodshot eyes.

"Yes I do. Your poison" "she'll be back home right?" I asked anxiously "are you serious!? No! Of course she won't be back home to you!" He screamed at me. How could he fucking do this!? Take away my family? My little girl? Matias?

2 hours. 2 hours now she's been gone. I feel like I'm in hell already just knowing that she hates me. Oh how I love her though. I love her more than anything.

Lifting Reina's stuffed elephant from the ground, I sat on the ground with it in my arms, crying into the soft material. God how I missed them already. I craved them.

This must be what it would feel like. If I never had met Selena. Being all alone. I hate it. I hate it almost as much as I hate Andy Allo.

-2 days later-

Taking another gulp of the sour burning vodka, I don't even like it. It's just that I had drunk everything else. I hadn't slept once and I haven't left this kitchen floor. I don't think I'd be able to walk if I tried anyway.

Clinging to the fluffy elephant I took another drink before gaging, nothing coming up though. My eyes stung from crying so hard and my head was numb from the alcohol. I had called Selena exactly 56 times and left her 32 messages. She hasn't answered one.

Hearing the kitchen door open in walked Larry Graham. To be honest I couldn't give a fuck less. I just stared at him before taking another slurp of my vodka. "Baby brother! You look a mess!" He gasped.

"I think you'd look a mess if your wife and children left you and basically hate you as well" I slurred. "Listen Jehovah can get you through th-" "you listen to me!" I yelled "I don't give a fuck about you or your stupid little religion.  Selena is my god. I don't need no other God. So you can kiss my ass, I don't need you here" I slurred as my eyes went blurry staring at him.

"You say I look a mess... Look at you, you look like a... A... Um" then I just seen black. Great. I pass out attempting to insult Larry Graham. My sober self would be so proud. Sarcasm.

Waking up I had a burning headache and my face was pressed against the cold tiles of the kitchen floor. Trailing myself up I went to check my cell phone. My heart almost jumped out of my chest once I seen Selena's name.

'I love you more than I could possibly explain... We just need this break as you've let me down. We're safe and we all love you. I need to think about myself for a few days, that's all. Take care corazón'

Reading those words I put the devise back down. What else was there to do but wait. Wait for my family to come back to me again.

Seeing Reina's little colouring inn books laying around I began to cry. God how I miss her so much. Her and her brother.  I miss feeling him clung to my chest.

I'm such an idiot. How could I let someone do something so life changing To me. I'm a lot calmer now I know I haven't lost them for good. Not that I wouldn't have fought anything to have them back. But sel reassured me shed be back.

But imagine if this had of been it. Sel had of just left with my kids and went somewhere far. Forever. This beautiful fantasy of a life just destroyed. Id kill myself. I swear I would. There's no other life than this. I know it now. My wife and children are my everything.

How did I ever let myself get this way? Let her down? She's the most beautiful human in the world and she just makes me so happy. But I'm a horrible horrible person to her. It just doesn't add up.

4 hours had gone by that's when I heard the door. There she stood. The most beautiful woman in the world. My queen. I rushed to her side, wrapping my arms around her, I took in her scent, my skin against hers burning with love and reconnection "I can't stay, if dad knew I was here he'd kill me" she told me.

"Sel don't listen to him... Bring out babies back to their daddy...Just come home to me. Come home and we'll work this out" I said desperately.

-OK that's the last update on this book until tomorrow night 😂😍😍😍😍😍 THAVK YOU ALL so so so so so much for all your comments and participation. PLEASE DROP OME IF U GOT THE TIME. Do you think prince was right to tell Larry to go away basically? Do you think Selena will come home? Do you think something is wrong with princes mental health? Tell me! Love y'all. Goodnight darlings💜💜💜💜💜💜💜❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️-

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