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I woke up from my deep sleep with my panties still drenched from last night. I heard him. I tried to cover my ears but the more I heard, the more I wanted to hear more and wondered what he was doing to himself. It sounded so good. His moaning and grunting was still going through my mind as I got up to change my underwear.

Putting my pyjamas back on because it seemed too early for someone lazy like me, I jumped back into the warm cosy bed. This guest room was bigger than my own room! And it was really good that the bed was so comfy because I love to sleep.

Just as I almost drifted back over I heard a knock at the door. Walking to the door yawning I opened it to see the most beautiful man looking back. "Good morning" I said. "I just wanted to know if you wanted any breakfast. I'm going to make pancakes" he smiled widely. His smile made me giggle at his cuteness. "Sure. Why are you up so early? It's 9:00!" "That ain't early Selena" he cocked his eyebrow. "Well it is to me, early bird" I laughed making him laugh along. "Well u coming or not" he held out his hand. I took his hand and we walked to his kitchen.

"So pancakes are your thing huh. Do you cook all the time?" I said sitting on the island as I watched him pour the mix onto the pan. "Well yeah. I guess." I could see the clear embarrassment on his face. I had learned what he looked like when he was embarrassed and his cheeks go a little red and his eyes look away. So right now he was caught! "Tell me what's wrong" "nothing" "liar" I giggled "why are you embarrassed" he looked at me and smiled. "I guess.... It's just. All I cook is omelettes and pancakes." I began to laugh at his cuteness and the fact he only could cook the easiest things in the world. "Hey! Not funny" he giggled. "It's ok," I said between wiping tears of laughter "I could teach you! I cook all the time. I cook lots. Even though take away pizza is mi amor!!!!!" I said adoringly. Thinking of the love of my life currently. Pizza.

I was snapped out of my daze by the older man. "I like that. That's sexy". I blushed completely. Did he really say that????. Prince said that to me???? No man has ever thought anything I do was sexy. "Thanks" I said quieting down my once hyper tone. "I've always loved the Spanish language. Is that what you want to record when we start working?" "Yes definitely" just as I smiled at the beautiful creature in front of me I heard my fathers voice.

" Buenos días mi querida selena" I heard my father announce, saying good morning to me. "Prince." He greeted with a smile. Prince flipped the pancakes "I'm making breakfast. Want any?" "No thanks. I'm gonna go out a while then I'll come back later for Selena. We'll record tomorrow night?" My father announced. "Why don't you leave Selena here for tonight. We could get to know each other." My father nodded happily "yes that'd be great. Te veo mañana, selena" he said reassuring me he'd be back while placing a kiss on my cheek "yes papa" I smiled.

5 minutes later he eventually got the pancakes done. "Ta dah!!!!" He said happily like a school child who drew a beautiful picture. He placed the two plates of pancakes with maple syrup on the island and sat on the chair facing me. "It's about time! I'm starving." I said grabbing a pancake with my hands and taking a huge bite. He laughed at me "damn don't your parents feed ya" he said amazed at how quickly I was gobbling the delicious pancakes up. "Never underestimate the love a Latina has for food!!!" I yelled in excitement. "Love. That's not love that's animalistic" he laughed. "Ah well. I loooovvvveeeee me some pancakes. I must say p. These pancakes are pretty good" I said with a mouthful. He lifted his fork laughing and shaking his head. "P huh? That's your new nick name for me?"
"Yes" I smiled "it's cute". He took a bite of his pancake. "God Selena" he said laughing "what am I gonna do with you."


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