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"Cmon Selena!!" I shouted into the bathroom in frustration. "Just one more minute I gotta wait. Geeze. One minute!" She shouted back. My hands were shaking and I felt light headed waiting. I was waiting on life changing news. My child could be growing inside of the woman I love more than anything. Or this could all just be a fantasy.

Hearing the door open I rushed over to her anxious. She wouldn't be this calm. It's over. It hasn't happened. I'm stupid to even think it. "Well..." I asked. "Well..." She sighed "looks like your gonna be a DADDY!" She yelled jumping into my arms laughing. No way! This is not happening. My dream has not just came true!!!

Holding her into me I was in shock. A father! My own baby! "Thank you." I cried into her neck. "Thank you so much!"

Laying in bed, she was in my arms. Right where she belongs. I smiled as my hand rested on her stomach. Thinking about how inside there, somewhere, was my baby boy or girl. Our baby boy or girl. I thought of how it would look. I was overjoyed. "Marry me." I whispered

"Prince.... Your just happy. You don't mean that." She laughed. "No I do. I mean it with everything in me. Just marry me Selena." I said kissing her shoulder "I'll do the whole thing properly when we get to Paisley. The proposal. But just promise me now that you'll marry me." I smiled thinking of how happy we'd be.

"Is it cuz the baby would be born out of wedlock?." She asked sternly. "No. Not at all. I just want you to be my wife. Selena Nelson." I smiled witch made her giggle. "Ya know I was raised as a Jehovah's Witness." She said witch surprised me. "When I was about 15 I stopped it. I never believed in it. I hated it." She said "if our child is born good and healthy, promise me he or she won't have to be a Jehovah's Witness." This took me by surprise. I wanted to have the child baptised as a Jehovah's Witness.

"Ok." I said "I'd never force my child into a religion anyway" I said continuing to rub her stomach. "Good" she said kissing my forehead.

~Next day~

Waking up I was nervous. I was going to meet her whole family. I got anxious just thinking about it. They didn't really know about us and obviously they knew my age so I thought maybe they'd freak out. That's what I was afraid off.

Suddenly I remembered. I'm going to be a father. This is my woman and I shouldn't care what others think. Staring at her stomach, exposed as her shirt had slipped up, I couldn't believe how lucky I was. Someone who loves me for me and unconditionally and now a child.

Kissing her stomach gently I began to speak to my unborn child. "Daddy loves you" I whispered kissing her stomach "Daddy loves you so so much, and he'd do anything to protect you and make sure your ok. You mean the world to me already. Me and your mama" I kissed once more "and your mommy is a good woman, she loves daddy very much, and I love her. That's how you became. Out of love. And nobody will take you both away from me. I'll do everything to look after you and mama and protect you both." I said caressing Selena's stomach, imagining what it'd be like to have the child in my arms finally.

Feeling delicate fingers run through my Afro I smiled. Not taking my eyes off of her stomach I whispered "how much did you hear?" "Everything" she said smiling as I looked up at her. "Eavesdropping I see." I said pulling her shirt down, smirking at her. "How is that eavesdropping if you were talking into my stomach!" She giggled. "I was talking to my son or daughter actually." I said kissing her neck.    

"What would you want, a boy or a girl?" She asked. "A girl so I could dress her up all pretty and shout at her if she gets a boyfriend." I said smiling "aww that's mean" she said laughing "I want a boy so he could look like you!" She said rubbing her stomach.

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