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After feeling unbelievably sick, I decided to fly back with the kids to Minnesota to be at home, in Paisley.  I literally have no idea what is happening to me but in my heart I know somethings wrong. But it was definitely the best decision ever as I'm so comfortable here in Minnesota, I've been here 3 days and I'm already feeling the difference.

The tour was moving to Atlanta so that's where my husband is now with Damaris and the band and crew so at least he has company.

"I feel so tired" I told my mom who sat facing me at this beautiful new coffee shop. We had never tried here before and they were pretty good.

Suzette had my babies so me and mom could have some time to talk. "Maybe your run down?" My mom wondered as she stared at me sympathetically. "How's p? Has he called?" She asked.

"Yeah... He's all good, he likes it out there. I just miss him." I sighed "don't listen to your father... He's full of shit you know that... Prince knows that right?" She asked.

"Yeah he knows that... He's good at seeing through the bullshit anyway... It just shouldn't really have to be like that momma. We're married... We can do whatever we want" I told her as she agreed.

I began to feel extremely hot. Looking around, things were blurry. I tried to ignore it while momma texted dad but I couldn't. It was like anxiety. Looking down I saw blood. My eyes widened in embarrassment and shock. Am I taking my period!? Shit.

"Momma..." I said quickly before everything became black.

- 2 hours   -
I woke up to the sound of sobbing and beeping. Opening my eyes I was in a hospital gown, my momma by my side as well as my father. My mother looked as though she had been crying for hours.

"Hey mija" my dad said smiling and tapping my mother to tell her I was awake. "Oh honey!" She gasped and took me into her embrace quickly, hugging me and kissing my cheeks. "Momma... What happened"

Just then a doctor walked in. "Mrs Selena Nelson?" He smiled as I nodded. "I'm Doctor Williams... How are you feeling ma'am" he asked. "I'm ok... Just confused, I can't remember anything" I told him.

"Selena you fainted and had fallen to the ground, banging your head on the way. We were worried maybe something was wrong. Do you remember anything like this?" He asked. I tried my best to remember. That's when it hit me "blood!... There was blood, I think I had taken my period" I told him as I became red with embarrassment. But that's all I really remember.

Watching as my mother burst into tears my father was quick to comfort her as the doctor looked at the ceiling, obviously finding it difficult to tell me whatever I needed to know. What has happened to me?

As he sighed and rubbed his face he prepared himself for whatever he was about to tell me. "Selena... Were you aware that you had been 4 weeks pregnant?"

For a split second happiness filled my heart. A baby! My third child! God how lucky I am. Prince will be so so so so excited! His dreams are all just coming true.

But then it hit me and trauma and sadness filled my body... "Had been? What do you mean!" I said in shock as the tears filled my eyes, my mother cried into my fathers shoulder.

"I'm very sorry... You've miscarried" the doctor told me. I began to panic "no! No no no no that's not true... It isn't true" I cried.

Dr William's left soon after and my parents tried there best to comfort me but I couldn't be comforted. My baby is gone. And it's probably my fault. I hadn't been looking after myself. I had been drinking. Even the time we conceived, we shouldn't have been having sex just a week after birth.

That's when I thought of prince. All the guilt and loss and sadness hit me even harder when I thought of him. I've taken away his child.

"Why... Why were you having sex only a week after?" My mom asked me. I began to cry harder. I know. I'm just so stupid. "Don't blame her" my father said "blame him... We all know he can't keep his dick in his trousers. He's over there now and doesn't even know what his wife's going through. What type of man is that" "don't speak about h-him like that" I said between tears. Tears for my baby.

"Do you want me to call him sweetie?" My mom asked. "No! Don't tell him... He's enjoying himself and I want him to do that" I said "he has to know Selena. That's his child he lost too. It isn't just yours. He deserves to know about his own child." My momma said before lifting her phone, to call my husband.

My mother and father still stayed with me but it's been more than 4 hours now and I just can't stop crying. I just laid covering my face with my hands. Prince told my momma he's getting the jet back over to Minnesota to be here. Suzette said she'll take my children for as long as I need.

Hearing my mother get up, and let someone into the private room, I got so anxious "thanks" I heard that gorgeous deep voice say. My lips began to tremble as tears came down my cheeks even more as the room filled with his sent. Lavender.

Hearing the clicks of his heels get closer, he trailed the chair as close to me as possible. "Sel..." He whispered softly. That broke me. That just shut me down completely. I began to sob uncontrollably. I've never heard his voice like that. Filled with pain... Loss and desperation. 

"Selena... Selena please" he begged placing his hand on my wrist, wanting me to remove my hands from my face. I did. Looking at him he was pale and looked so sad. I began to cry even more than I thought possible. I love him so so much.

Feeling him grabbing me and wrapping his arms around me, his face burying into my neck felt greater than I thought it would. "This isn't fair. I'm so so sorry I did this to you" I cried as he kissed my neck. "You didn't do anything wrong. Don't dare speak like that. It was just... Jehovah has plans ok... He has plans for you and I and maybe our child wasn't one of them" he told me.

I heard my father scoff once he mentioned Jehovah. But I don't care. Whatever comforts him right now is beautiful to me. I even sort of believed it. I just held onto my husband even more, feeling him kissing my neck. I felt a dampness that ran from my neck and down my chest. It was tears.

He was really really quietly and discreetly crying into my neck, I knew he was embarrassed to cry in front of my parents so I held him there, running my hands through his thick Afro, gently scratching his scalp in a soothing form as my other arm clung to the material of his shirt in need of closeness.

"I love you" he whispered, his voice shaky and hoarse. "I love you too" I cried into him. As his lips trailed from my neck to my lips we kissed. This was the most beautiful yet devastating kiss I've ever shared with my husband. It was desperate, in need of each other, it was full of pain and loss and fear.

Once we were given the go ahead to go home, I asked my momma and dad to leave us alone so we could be in Paisley together. I couldn't seem to stop crying... I was also physically hurt. My whole stomach and pelvis felt like someone had been beating me.

After getting into my pyjamas, all I wanted to do was lay in bed, prince laid with me the whole time, not once leaving my side.

As I laid in his arms, I couldn't imagine how he must be feeling.  "This isn't our fault... This isn't anyone's fault" he told me as he stroked my hair. I just wanted to concentrate on what he was doing with my hair and his breathing as I laid on his bare chest.

Feeling his hand rest on my stomach I stared into his eyes hopefully. "It's ok to mourn... It's ok for you to cry" he told me.  I just nodded. But I don't think I can cry anymore. I can't find the strength to.

"I don't deserve you" I told him as I snuggled closer to him, taking comfort in the familiar sensation of his skin against mine. "You do... And I deserve you. We both deserve each other because we were put on this earth to be with each other." He told me. I smiled at that thought.

-ok... A lot happened in this chapter even though it was so short. Please comment below if u got the time. Thank u all so much for the support. What do you think of Abraham trying to start shit EVEN at this vulnerable time? Do you think this will have a big affect of they're marriage? Do your think this will break them or make them stronger? Thank you all once again💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘😍😍😍😘😘😘😘😘-

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