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I was lying in the glade, enjoying every upcoming summer day. The weather was aiding a merriment in the open air, playing with colleagues and sitting up late around the campfire. In the noons like that you can feel there is easefulness and the joy that this state wasn't disturbed by anything.

"Minhyuuuung ...?" I muttered under my breath to fight the uncertainty in my voice. In the end, hyung was four years older than me. He was already big, strong and grown up. Sometimes I wondered why he wastes his time sitting with me. After all, he could spend time with his friends, do adult things, ignore a kid like me.

"Hm?" Muttered with closed eyes, not even looking at me. I knew that as usual he was deep in his personal thoughts. He was doing it rather often. He was closing in his private world. And as usual - I interrupted him.

"We'll be friends forever?" I asked fearfully, as if Minhyung was about to melt in the air, leave me and go to another, older company. He was like a brother I never had - elder brother guardian. His job was to protect me and never leave, is that right? Hyung looked at me with a smile, ruffling my hair.

"Of course," he said with conviction. "I won't leave you".

You lied, Minhyung ...

You lied.

I crashed into the classroom at the last moment, barely able to catch air in the lungs. There was still a pause. Some people gave me a glance, but I did not care.

"Jeno!" I shouted hysterically, running towards my friend. The boy looked at me in amazement. "Jeno!" I shouted for the second time, sitting up abruptly in my seat on the desk.

"What happened?" He asked with a sincere surprise, grabbing my hands quickly. I was clearly tembling, I knew it. I didn't notice only the moment when my tears began to flow from my cheeks. "Donghyuck?" The boy whispered with anxiety in his eyes.

"Minhyung came back," I smiled uncertainly, sniffling. He did not understand anything. I was not surprised at him. I even didn't know whether what I said was true.


"He came back, Jeno," I laughed, still crying. A friend hugged me gently to his chest, probably as shocked as I was. "He came back."


I liked to lie in the clearing. It was always quiet here, no one bothered me and I could gather my confused thoughts alone. The wind lightly fluttered my face, effectively healing the warmth of summer sunshine.

"Minhyuuuung ...?" Donghyuck uncertainly started one of his many questions lately. I sighed inwardly, wondering when this strange stage of his curiosity would pass. I could not blame him for that. Either way, he was still a child.

"Hm?" I murmured reluctantly, tearing my mind away from looking for answers to my own questions. And I had quite a bit of them. Three quarters  of them concerned this unruly kid who loved to bust my ass every time I had the impression that I found all the sense in that. And I loved him anyway when he did it. Because I was afraid to get the answers, although their content subconsciously I have known for a long time. The truth was that ...

"We'll be friends forever?"

... that I loved this kid. And every time he looked at me that way, I couldn't control my heart. I knew he was too young and too stupid to understand this. He treated me like a friend, like a brother who will always save him from trouble. I could not expect him to feel the same because he just didn't know anything about love in the world. I knew I would have to wait a long time, perhaps never getting a clear answer to this question.

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