tag thing

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I know, I know. I'll update soon. University is really some kind of death for me recently. But new chapter will show in 2 or 3 days, I promise. Now I will answer for some tags. I won't tag anyone just... just because. I'm not technological type of person and I'm even not able to add picture here XDDD Yeah, It's so advanced XD So I hope u don't mind that I'll just write it like that and answer casually ❤😂

1. How old are u? - 20

2. What's your shoe size? - in Europe it's 39,5

3. How tall are u? - 168 cm

4. What's your fav color? - so it's not just one color. I love dark purple, black and light green

5. -||- fav food? - I love any kind of tea but I don't know if it counts as a food. Hmmm I like eating tuna, frikadellers with cucumber salad, actually any kind of meat is the best XD What's interesting because I work in the restaurant with wegan food 👍

6. Who's your UB? - That's very interesting question XDDD I started my kpop adventure with EXO and my eye found Sehun. I think that I have a huge sentiment toward him, so maybe... Sehun? I like many kpop idols so its of course hard to choose only one of them 😁

7. Ulimate bias group - omg, it's much harder XD I love EXO of course, NCT and Red Velvet. Actually I'm SM stan. But also IKON and Winner are the best. Monsta X are very charming and wonderfull boys just like Block B who are one of my first boysbands to hear in kpop. I'm into many solists as well so I can name artists and name till the end of my life XD

8. Interesting fact about me - Sooo XD I'm not very interesting type of person. Buuuut, I'm super hyped about Psychology. That's why I study it combined with Criminology. I love my work, with beautiful people and its family-like atmosphere.

9. Color of eyes - brown

10. Number of siblings - I have one brother

11. Middle name - I don't have it

12. Last time I cried - today because my dad broke my laptop. He dropped it on the floor and now I must do sth with it. I wanted to kill him so much, omg. I don't have enough money rn to buy new one so I'm forced to weasel.

13. My biggest fear - that I won't find job connected with my profession and true love because of so many things I must do now. I don't have time for anything and I'm afraid that I'll miss sth important in my life because of that.

14. Last song u listen to? - 10 years - Half Life

15. Last person you texted - my friend

16. Favourite app? - Spotify! I'm listening a lot of music, really. Like huge amount.

Thank youuu, see u soon

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