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Well, at first i would like to warn u that this is the longest chapter in this story so far. It has more then 5000 words for sure, maybe even sth around 6000, so reserve some time for  it cause it won't be like 5 min of reading xD Thank u :3

Jeno: > Are you going to school today?

Me: > No, I'm sick.

Jeno: > What happened?

Me: > Pneumonia.

Jeno: > WHAT ?!

I sighed heavily, beginning to describe the whole situation that took place a few days ago on the lake. I knew my friend didn't go a bundle on Minhyung, but I couldn't lie to him. Before I was able to even write two sentences, Jeno's face showed with his classic smile on my screen. I shook my head in disbelief and took a call.

"How did it happen?" He asked immediately, not even bother to greet me somehow.

"I didn't cure an earlier cold and recently rainstorm caught me while homeing," I replied in a hoarse voice. I decided not to go into details. I must have completely worn down my throat to tell Jeno the whole story of my meeting with Minhyung.

"Ah, you fool..." he sighed to the handset. "I'm going to see you with boys after classes," he assured me dapperly as if their presence guaranteed immediate healing and not even stronger headache.

"Thanks, Jeno," I rasped. I didn't know if I wanted them to visit me. I had a razzamatazz in my head. I didn't think that my friends were able to objectively disentangle it. Their apparent aversion to the guy for whom I lost my head did not make life easier for me.

"Hang in there, bro," he said good-bye and hung up.

My hand dropped limply on the sheets and the head automatically turned to the desk. I have not cleaned it for a long time. Some time ago I lost any desire to learn. I had to make up a lot of backlogs of work, but I did very little to catch up with even a year younger than me Jeno. Recently all my inner motivation has flown to a distant land.

I glanced slowly down the sill. There was a small photo frame on it and a postcard from another continent. These two objects have not changed their place for years. They had a specially designated area and I never let it be in any way exposed to mess or smallest impurity.

The picture represented me and Minhyung on the playground. I was three years old at the time, and he was seven, so that probably was why I couldn't remain it in my memory. We were sitting on swings, both smiling, both careless. Sometimes I wondered if it was the eternization of our first meeting, or maybe it had happened before. I never asked about it, because in the light of the events of the last five years it was quite insignificant. Now, however, some of the cases seemed to be returning to their former tracks. Maybe it was just the right time to find out more about us.

The birthday card from Canada has always made my heart ache. It reminded me of everything I was afraid of, everything I had lost and all that was still uncertain. The beautiful postcard was just beautiful from the outside. It was sweet and bitter to me at the same time. As if the appearance was not able to completely erase the negative associations that positively correlated with it.

You barely got back and I'm sick because of you, Lee Minhyung.


"How are your love conquests? Did you scored him? "

"Johnny!" I shrieked in grave. It irritated me when anyone mentioned a word about my life outside of Korea. I hated it, hated it and wanted to forget it all at once.

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