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On the day that I was so scared of, I got up at six after only two hours of sleep. I wasn't tired. I was helpless. I didn't influence anything anymore. I could only accept it and wait a few days for the finale. Pleasant or not.

In the morning we went for a walk, we were throwing snowballs, made a snowman which, long after its creation, would look at me defiantly from the garden. I hated him. But overall it was very nice. We joked a lot, we laughed a lot.In a word we didn't mention the evening, as if it would never come.

After the battle in the snow, we jumped into the shower, which was supposed to be warm, short and pleasant but in practice turned out to be long, ecstatic and full of breathtaking sexual sensations. If I ever doubted that I would see what an erotic heaven looks like, then life deprived me of all illusions. Minhyung offered much more than I could have imagined, although I did not have a comparison. I did not need it.

In the end, we had a short nap with an alarm clock at 5pm, so that Minhyung would be able to pack up because the flight was only around midnight. This time I had no problems falling asleep. I cuddled up in the boy and almost fled away lulled by the warmth of his body and the steady heartbeat. Before I began to dream, a thought appeared in my head that every day could be like that. Forever.

I sat at the edge of the bed and watched Minhyung put things in a small suitcase. At least it is small. That's what I thought. That gives a certain amount of hope. In general, I felt better than I initially thought. I didn't hysterize too much and I didn't feel as if I was balancing on the edge of hyperventilation. I considered it a kind of success.

"Don't forget the towel," I murmured uncertainly, noticing that he was about to close the suitcase.

"Do you think I will need it?" He thought aloud. "I'm going home, in the grand scheme of things. Such gowns just take my place unnecessarily. "

"All right," I sighed heavily.

"It's only a few days away," he added after a moment of silence.

"Which does not mean you have to overgrow with dirt at this time," I said quite seriously and Minhyung laughed.

"That's right," he nodded. "You have a point."


"I'm afraid you have to let me go," I murmured, increase the density of a hug around his shoulders. He was right. It was completely different from the weekly parting here, on the spot. In Ansan I could always get in the car, go to Donghyuck on the school corridor. In Canada, I was unable to fulfill a similar whim. The departure for a few days somewhere thousands of kilometers from Korea differed from the weekend trip on its territory.

"I love you," Donghyuck whispered so softly that for a moment I began to wonder if these words had actually come up from his mouth. I looked at him uncertainly. The boy's eyes glazed slightly. "Come back..." he began uncertainly, pausing for a moment to swallow emotions. "Come back to me," he stuck out, resting his forehead against my chin.

"I'll be back," I laughed, barely hiding what a huge impression his words had made on me. I did not think I would be able to shake it off until my return. "I love you like a madman," I assured. "I'll be back before you miss me," I promised.

I was picked up from the airport by my aunt. In heart, I was hoping for a lonely journey home, checking in peace what has changed and what remained the same as it used to be. However, since passing through the gates, I was flooded with an avalanche of questions and complaints about avoiding her calls. Therefore, a meeting with Canada after a long time was not a respite for me but a more overwhelming experience.

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