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When I opened my eyes in the morning, my first thought was that today I would like to have  desire to be productive instead of being such a couch potato as I always am. I greeted the day with a loud and wide yawn, shutting off the annoying alarm clock sound. I glanced dully at Donghyuck, who curled up on the opposite side of the bed and didn't move at all at the sound of annoying beeping. I rubbed my eyes slowly and shook his arm.

"Time to get up," I murmured, sliding off the bed with all remaining strength. I stretched slowly, feeling that it was getting worse with each morning. Getting old wasn't my favourite procedure. Going down the stairs to the kitchen, each next step was a real torment. I narrowed my eyes, absolutely not prepared for the amount of bright light that attacked me on the ground floor. I always forgot to cover the balcony doors in the living room with the thick curtains and every day they made me realize how messy my life is. "Donghyuck!" I yelled loudly as the minutes passed and the boy still didn't show up downstairs. "Don't do this to me, kid," I moaned in a pained voice, pouring juice into our glasses. I really, really  didn't want to go upstairs again and revive him from sleepy hebetude. "Hyuck!" I tried again, standing at the foot of the stairs. After listening for a moment for any sign of life, I came to the conclusion that there was no murmur from up there. I swore under my breath, putting foot on the first step. "Hello, we're getting up," I shouted, being almost on the threshold of our bedroom. "You don't even know how badly you will have to please me for that," I murmured more to myslef then to him as I entered the dark room. The boy was still in the same place, not even moving a millimeter. "Donghyuck, what are you doing for fuck's sake?" sighed in irritation as I approached the window and began to lift the blinds quickly, glancing one by one at my bedside watch. "We'll be late," I said, glancing at the brunette who, to my surprise, was not sleeping at all. "Earth to Hyuck" I joked, ignoring the very strange feeling that was growing in my heart, which I tried to ignore at all costs. I caught the quilt gently, wanting to throw it away from the boy's body.

"Stop," he whispered blandly, pulling it back to him.

"Hey, Sleepy," I murmured, sitting down beside him on the edge of the bed. It occurred to me that I could not suppress these thoughts any longer. It really was happening and I had to face it like a real man, although I was not ready for anything  like that at all. Donghyuck just had this mythical bad day, which I haven't had the opportunity to experience during our relationship yet. His mother often told me how it looked like and how to deal with it but in the face of a real thing occurance, all these advices slipped my mind and I felt almost as helpless as if I had never received any hints. "What's going on?" I asked stupidly, though I knew perfectly well the real cause. I was hoping, however, that he would somehow answer me, laugh this bad joke down and go downstairs to eat breakfast together like every morning. Donghyuck, after all, remained silent, staring blindly at an indefinite point outside the window. I sighed heavily, dropping my head. "Would you like to eat some good breakfast?" I asked, even though it was like talking to a brick wall. "Mhm" I muttered under my breath, also looking out of the window, as if there were all the answers and instructions of conduct. We sat in silence for a moment. I was looking for any place to start but I could not find it. "So we're staying home today..." I muttered more to myself, not even expecting any reaction from Hyuck. I rubbed my eyes, wanting to get rid of the completely different kind of fatigue this time. I rested my head on hands, sitting with legs apart. "Okay..." I whispered, getting up from bed. I had to start looking for an excuse to call the school. Diarrhea? Cold? Funeral? I didn't know what I had used and what I had not yet had. I was lying definitely too much nowadays.

"Go," I heard a quiet grunt.

"Hm? But what for?" I asked in a false, joyful tone that was so forced that it hurt me. He wasn't a child, though. Still and all I was very worried about him to the extent I was't really able to behave rationally. "Without you? That make no sense" I heaved a sigh.

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