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Hyuck: > What am I supposed to pop on?

Me: > In what sense do you ask?

Hyuck: > If you want to hunt bears with me in the forest I'll dress a tracksuit and if you're taking me to the debutants' ball in Milan I'll go with a bib and tucker.

I started to laugh, leaving the bathroom. I couldn't believe what this guy actually was. I could have sworn I had known at least three new sides of his personality for the last week of writing and talking on the phone. Donghyuck was as diverse as crystals in a kaleidoscope. It changed depending on the topic of conversation. Once he was taunting me with a malicious joke in all possible ways, and once he turned out to be a brilliant listener and an advisor. He fascinated me to the limits and haven't stopped surprising me yet.

Me: > Dress up as if you were going out with friends. Casually.

Hyuck: > Okay.

Today were finally going out on a date and I was ashamed to admit it but I had no idea how to behave, what to do. I have never been on a date before, although I could have an appearance of a person who has a million of them behind him. Fair to middling I knew what beseemed and what not. That's why everything was stressing me out so much. I didn't want to do anything stupid, scare him or get Donghyuck dicouraged, therefore, I have decided to be polite, don't make any darts and don't accelerate anything under no circumstances .

I left Korea exactly May 30. This means that I wasn't in the country for Donghyuck's birthday, which was June 6. I wanted to take him to the cinema then. I didn't know whether it was a date or a friendly meeting. I wasn't able to assess whether or not I would have my small, loving confession by then. Now I didn't have to worry about it anymore. Even if this confession still did not come out of our mouth, we knew we were no longer just friends.

I felt that after five years I finally got a second chance.


I was standing in front of the open wardrobe and literally had no idea what to put on. Minhyung said that like for an outing with friends. It means comfortable and normal. But I didn't want to look ordinary. Finally we were going out on a date. It would be silly to show up in a potato bag. It was an inability to describe how fast my heart was beating and how stressful it all was for me. I didn't want to fool myself. I had no idea about dating. I never had a boyfriend, never kissed, did not walk holding hands and did not cuddle with anyone in a romantic way (because my mother could not be taken under consideration). Minhyung in turn had many guys and I didn't know exactly if he was with them in the relationship, but he was definitely with them in bed. All of this only addictionally was giving me heart palpitations.

When I was standing in the room and thinking about my life, mom opened the door and walked slowly inside. We exchanged quick glances and the woman sat down on the bed and looked at me closely.

"Dress this black golf," she finally said calmly. "You look good in it."

"Thanks," I whispered, reaching for the top shelf for my sweater.

"You're going out together with Minhyung, aren't you?" she asked in her controlled, motherly voice.

"Yes" I confirmed quite restlessly, smoothing invisible folds of golf. I was still sick, so it wasn't strange that I hid myself from feet to neck. That was the kind of thing that worried me too.

"Donghyuck ... your father want to talk with you today," she said finally.

"What?" I wondered, almost instantly glancing at the woman. She looked at me with a grin on her lips. She shrugged.

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