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We were sitting in the bathtub in complete silence for a really long time, avoiding gazes of each other. Minhyung kept his hand on my knee in a safe way as if he needed such simple assurance that I am still here and I haven't run anywhere yet. The foam floating on the surface of the water turned out to be the most absorbing thing in the entire universe in this moment. It was hard for both of us to shake off this whole fucked up event.

"You know... I really enjoyed it at the very beginning," I finally said, glancing uncertainly over Minhyung. The boy looked at me like a beaten dog. Somehow we had to start a conversation on this topic. I couldn't be angry forever.

I looked uncertainly in the mirror at my hair. They were evidently in a color of washed-out mix of brown and purple and I wasn't sure if this was the exact idea of ​​aunt when she put the paint on my head. She cut something here, combed something there, slightly raised the fringe on one side and said that I looked like a real marriageable bachelor. I was only afraid of Mark's reaction to this sudden change. I didn't quite find myself in this stylization. My face looked more slender and by lightening my hair, complexion seemed even darker then before so I wasn't confident at all.

"Maybe Megan needs you more now than I do, auntie?" I asked uncertainly, taking eyes away from my reflection. I didn't want to take the time she should spend with her daughter before marriage. "I can prepare myself," I assured her. Making trouble was the last thing I wanted. However, aunt was silent for some time, rummaging in her wardrobe.

"She didn't want my help," she said, her voice devoided of all emotions. She took the navy jacket off the hanger and handed it to me. This was the fourth one. "Friends came to her," woman said bitterly, looking at me from a distance with a sad expression. "You look wonderful," she finally summarised today's efforts and came closer with several ties slung over her shoulder. She tossed a hanging strand of  my hair from a protruding fringe into the air and sighed heavily. When she was doing the fitting of ties by putting them one by one under my neck, something in her expression told me that she needed someone to hug her tight right now. That's why I put my arms around her gently and gave her space for despair adequate to the situation she was in. Aunt couldn't fulfill her role as a mother, which she needed so badly, and I understood that it must have been a very painful experience for her.

"You're the best, aunt," I said as she sniffed.

"I don't deserve such a thankless brat," she finally said in a broken voice. I felt her hands clenching tightly against my shirt.

"Unfortunately, we can't choose our family," I said averagely comforting but I wasn't a champion in this field, so I did what I could. Fortunately, Minhyung finally came to the rescue with his special power of stupidity overshadowing all other problems of this family.

"Why are we crying?" he asked straight form the shoulder, surrounding the two of us with loving arms.

"Eh, no reason" aunt replied completely without expression. "I'm going to get myself ready," she announced, wiping her wet cheeks with the back of hand. "You have to admire your beloved because I did my very best," she ordered and Mark just stamped with his boots in a soldier's manner and saluted as she left the room.

"Megan," I whispered almost mouthing as he raised his eyebrows, coming closer to me. Minhyung nodded as if that explained all the problems in this house. Maybe it was like that indeed.

"What do I see..." the boy muttered under breath, grabbing my face in his hands. Only now we got some space to see our outfits for the mass and the later wedding. I smiled delighted by what's in front of me. In Minhyung in a classic suit and white shirt, there was something incredibly appealing and tempting to the whoredom. I grabbed him gently by the belt buckle and pulled a little closer. "What did this woman do to your hair?" he asked and I sighed heavily.

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