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I walked in slowly to the house, wanting to shut the door behind me and run into the room as soon as possible. But when I was inside the building, it came to me that the desire to recall again happiness of this day in solitude would not be possible. The kitchen was lit up. I sighed heavily, pulling down my boots with reluctance. It must have happened anyway. Something positive had to be dethroned by something negative so that the brain remained neutral. In the end, happiness is a very ephemeral thing. It only takes a few moments, doesn't keep on constantly high level as negative effects. At least I heard it somewhere. It is probably medical wisdom but in my case it had a use.

"Hi," I said to my father as I passed the kitchen. Until the last moment, I hoped he'd let me go down the stairs leading to the first floor and disappear behind the door of my room.

"Sit with me, Donghyuck," I heard in response instead of greeting. I closed my eyelids. Hope die the last, as they say.

"Something happened?" I played a silly buggers, taking a seat on the chair which was as far away from him as possible. The men's shoulder grip after I've sold him this prepared bill of goods can cause me to vomit. I preferred to end today's meeting without unnecessary physical contact.

"You were all day with Minhyung?" He asked quietly. I was a little surprised because it wasn't a tone that accused child of being a faggot. It was the tone of a parent interested in kid's  spontaneous getaway with a friend on the town.

"Yes, why are you asking?" I shrugged, acting as though this day had not been one of the best in the past few years of my life. I can't be misled by such behaviour so easily. The father was a master of conversation, manipulation, getting out of the people things that he wanted to hear. Typical entrepreneur. However, I have lived with him for many years; with this business game. His huge weakness was that he perceived me at this point as a business partner he had to sort through. He didn't look at me as a family member and that was his biggest problem. Because who else is able to see better the impure play of kinsman then one of the family members?

"Recently you are spending a lot of time with him, which is overly disturbing," he said finally, looking at me staggeringly. I was surprised.

"Why? After all, Minhyung is not a criminal. "I laughed. "He has no friends here, so friendship with him doesn't hurt me in any way."


"What else?"

"I don't know, son... maybe you find him attractive. This is thing that torments me recently. "

"Jesus, dad, I have a girlfriend," I said, putting in my voice all my skill in the formulation of small lies.

"Have you?" He wondered.

"Yeah," I shrugged, as if it was nothing new.

"Who is it then?" He looked at me suspiciously.

"Koeun," I said.

"Why I don't know anything about this?" He asked in the same, doubtful tone. I rolled my eyes.

"Because you would ask me to bring me her here, and you would only shame me." I sighed heavily, drilling in my seat. I wanted to be in my room so fucking much...

"So why are you always at Minhyung's place and giving an old father a heart attack?"

"I want to enjoy the moment while I can," I said straightaway. "In the end, you never know when he will disappear again," I muttered, speaking honestly what was lurking in the corners of my heart. I was afraid of this. I was afraid that Minhyung would disappear in the same way as five years ago.

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