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I always wanted to go to the Christmas fair in Seoul. For some families it was already a long tradition and for my - ordinary gathering of too many people in one place, which is better to avoid. We weren't really social at all. The father didn't maintain contacts with neighbors or work colleagues. In the case of neighbors, the smaller the familiarity the better, because he was ashamed of the fact that his son was in the mental hospital and had suicide attempts. If such information spread too much around the area, he would definitely like to move. That is why life in solitude was, from his point of view, the most beneficial option for preserving honor.

Fortunately, Minhyung also absorbed this Christmas atmosphere. He was very happy when I mentioned that we could go to the city for such an event. I felt sorry for the thought that this year's holidays could have been the only normal one for him for years. I wanted to make sure that it'll be the best and the warmest. I've told my parents the version in which I go here with Koeun and Jeno. Mark only offered a ride out of pure boredom. Dad surprisingly has taken the bait. Since he thinks I have a girlfriend he did not even go into details such as the time of return or what we intend to do there. It was a very pleasant feeling - no need to excuse from every second of your life away from home.

We didn't talk much and if we did, we didn't raise hard subjects that would probably only ruin our mood. I was slowly getting used to the idea that Minhyung was leaving soon and it was getting better and better to tell myself that he would come back. He kept persuading me to go with him but I wasn't able to do it for several important reasons. I certainly couldn't afford it and I couldn't let the boy pay for everything each time. I also didn't understand how I could explain my father such a long absence and if he found out I was abroad and in addition with blond hair boy, I would definitely be grounded to forty and get individual teaching at home. I didn't know the Minhyung family as a matter of fact. They were completely strangers to me and I would feel like an intruder entering their territory.

"Hey, I'll go and buy us hot chocolate, hm?" He asked suddenly, noticing the stall from which the hot vapors flared. I nodded my head in confirmation, suppressing the coughing with the scarf. In recent days, I have been slightly slipping. I was susceptible to colds since I was a child and evening walks with Minhyung didn't protect me from them for sure too. "You're coming with me?"

"No" I murmured. "I'll go there for spices," I said, pointing my finger at the booth in which the old lady was standing. It wasn't my real destination, although I planned to go there as well. I love fragrances that floated near such stands. In addition, always in such places were original mixtures of various herbs that could not be found in ordinary stores. I couldn't resist creating a vision when I use it in the kitchen.

"Alright. Only don't move from there, I want to quickly find you later, "he asked, and I laughed, looking at him with affection.

"I'm already big boy," I said with a sneer. "I can handle it." In fact, I was drawn to a completely different stand, at which I couldn't be with Minhyung. That's why I tried to be convincing. The blond didn't have to hold my hand forever.

"For me you will always be a sweet baby" he smiled charmingly, kissing me quickly in the nose. "We see each other at spices," he whispered, then left to stand in a long queue for chocolate. At that time I went in a completely different direction than I promised.

When I entered the house, I felt like a huge lump of ice which begins to melt painfully. My cheeks began to pinch me from the sudden change in temperature and my hands uncomfortably prickle and tingle. I undressed quickly, dusting my clothes form snow and went into the kitchen where my parents were sitting and silently doing their typicall activity - my mother was doing crossword and my dad was reading the newspaper. Of course, everything was done in silence because all communication skills died naturally between them during the years of marriage that eventually became a prison. A prison in which they inhere in because of habituation and sentiment to the years of youth and shared memories or commitments.

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