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We were going by car in silence. Donghyuck has not spoken to me since leaving school. His shirt was still bloody. The dark patches had already dried out, forming a black crust on the fabric. Hyuck came out of his ordeal only or that much with his mouth cut and slowly forming bruises all over his face. At the hospital after a few hours of waiting, we found out that he had not broken anything, then he was discharged home with the recommendation of resting and not overloading the body muscles. He got a pile of prescriptions to take out and they kicked us out in the ass as it is in the hospital. He exchanged a few words with his mother while treating me like an air. Hyuck's mum said it would be best if he stayed with me for a few days so his father would not see him in that state. The funniest thing in all this was that Donghyuck himself protested and claimed that he prefers to go home than to go with me. I had no idea what he was talking about, but according to all the information that had fallen on me today, his behavior was simply not fair. From fear via distress I reached the stage where pure rage grew within me. I was afraid that this would lead us today to the first serious quarrel if nothing changes. I was fed up with this atmosphere.

When I drove up to the driveway and switched off the engine, it reached out to me what real stony silence is. It was already dark behind the windows for a long time now and from time to time we heard an owl ululation in the distance. I looked at Donghyuck, who stared stubbornly forward with a face so stiff as if I was the one who beat him. I didn't understand anything at all, and the whole pile of understatements, mysteries and misunderstandings between us made me terribly frustrated.

"Are you going to talk to me at all?" I asked after a few minutes, when it came to me that no further conversation was forthcoming. Hyuck merely muttered in denial, shaking his head and slamming the door behind him after getting off the car. This time he exaggerated. To say I was just pissed off, would be a big misunderstanding. I was so pissed off I could break something now. I got out of the car and slammed the door so loudly that I began to seriously worry about their condition. I went up to Hyuck and grabbed him gently by the arm, knowing perfectly well that even this could hurt him. "Donghyuck, fuck," I snapped angrily. "At least look at me" I was irritated. "Look me in the eye, I said," I added after a moment much more sharply then before, when I had no response from him. When he finally looked up at me, tears were in his eyes. However, I have found that if I now soften and succumb, we will never normally talk. I couldn't give up just for the sake of his trembling chin. "Did I do something to you that you're acting like that?" I asked with growing anger that didn't take a hike from me yet. "Until now, I don't even ask for any explanation from you, though I think I should, hm? Would you be so kind to stop treating me as your enemy? Because I'm not. I want the best for you and procect you from any harm, so stop acting like offended child and talk to me" I said finally, watching as large drops of water flow down the boy's cheeks. He stood in front of me and tried to take control of himself, but eventually he chucked in a towel and cracked. Donghyuck inhaled air very abruptly, then a loud sob came from between his mouth. He tried to drown it out somehow by covering mouth with hand but failed. He doubled up from the pain, because the beaten up body combined with spasmatic weeping was not the best fusion. I couldn't handle such sight and actlike a tough guy anymore, so I melted. "Honey..." whispered, grabbing his shoulders. I hugged the boy gently into my chest, but that didn't help, nothing was able to calm him down. Hyuck started to cry even more, losing his breath momentarily. He was inhaling the air loudly, breathing rather shallowly and irregularly, as if all his air exchange was based on short pulmonary contractions. Donghyuck clenched his fingers tightly on my blouse, crying his eyes out straight on my shirt. I kissed him gently on the cheek in the hope that it would give him some encouragement and soothe not only the physical pain but also psychical that he now felt.


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