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I walked slowly down the hall with Jeno by my side. We talked about the organizational meeting of the music circle and about which section we would like to enroll in. The group was supposed to start in March, but due to the large number of interested parties, the headteacher decided to conduct preliminary entries now. I wasn't quite sure if I still wanted to have anything to do with the music but Jeno said it was worth a try. I still had a lot of time to think about it and, if necessary, give it up.

"How's your new company at home?" He asked after a moment of silence when the subject of the circle seemed to be exhausted. I sighed heavily, because it wasn't a matter I wanted to delve into.

"Odd," I said after a second of thinking. "Johnny is constantly chilling, going to the clubs ... partying," I murmured reluctantly under my breath.

"How about your divine boy? Is he a loyal companion of his friend? "He said harshly. Recently, he was less and less fond of Mark. Actually, I had the impression that he never really liked him. The very fact of being prejudiced against the fact that he left, that he didn't make his presence felt. In particular, he hated things that Lee had done with his body in Canada.

"Noooo" I denied in the prolonged way, although I didn't have such a hundred percent certainty. "He only picks him up at night. He's still sleepy. "

"Are you so sure that  he only works as a free taxiout of sheer kindness?"

"Well... not at all," I admitted honestly, crossing my arms.

"If I were you, I wouldn't trust him so much with such a horny company," he nudged me with an elbow. I rolled my eyes.

"Without exaggeration, please," I shook my head. I knew who I was in a relationship with. Maybe Minhyung had something up his sleeve but I couldn't insinuate him cheating on me and all the rest of it . Suddenly, I felt a man's hand landing heavily on my shoulder. I shivered.

"It's nice to know, Jeno, that you are putting a knife in our relationshipso well ," Minhyung said in a low voice. "Fortunately, It's not dragging anyone here for infedility."

"You scared me," my friend muttered under his breath.

"When you talk a load of cock , you can really be scared of your own words," Mark confessed to him with a false tone of understanding. There was a long silence between us and the blonde's hand still didn't leave my arm. When we reached the parking lot, I grabbed his wrist and gently slid it off my shoulder.

"I guess I can't count on a ride today?" Jeno asked doubtfully near the car. I gave him a pissed look. Thanks to him, I probably had an evening out of the way. He should not add more things that would only worsen the situation. Minhyung smiled in disbelief.

"God has given you your feet, I assume that they work as well as your tongue," he replied as he got into the car. I did the same, sighing heavily.

We rode in silence for a very long time. No radio played, no one said anything, everyone looked out of their window. When we entered the forest, I slowly put my hand under Minhyung's hand, that was lying comfortably on his knee. We couldn't feel anger towards each other forever. We're often at loggerheads recently and that's enough. The boy silently tightened his fingers on mine and began to sketch circles with the thumb on the skin of my palm - slowly and gently. But he didn't say a word, looking with a stone face on the road.

"You're angry," I whispered when he stopped in the driveway. The blond sighed heavily.

"And you wouldn't have been?" He asked sharply. I had the feeling that it was much harder than he wanted. "I'm sorry," he added almost immediately, when I looked down. "I got off with thewrong foot," he said quietly, resting his forehead on my shoulder.

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