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We were certainly thirsty for each other. I didn't know where it all came from and how is it even possible that I have lost in it so quickly and completely. This relationship has become air for me, a refuge. I couldn't imagine myself living without him now. Every day with the thought that Minhyung can leave me, belonged to the worst one.

I felt my boyfriend's lips on my own and I already knew it was addictive. The way he smiled between kisses led me to madness. I loved him to death absolutely and I was aware that this was not the best thing for me. No extreme feelings are good. But I couldn't do anything about it. I gave every kiss as fervently as if it were the last.

Mark's hands gently grazed my thighs higher and higher, crossing the boundaries they had not previously violated. The boy's touch was warm and soothing, but at times it was causing concern for me. I was afraid of the moment when Minhyung will write that all the things that I'm giving him right now are not enough. When Minhyung will think that it's too little and he wants more and I won't be ready to give it to him. So what will be next then? We have not talked about sex ever since we started dating. I left it up completely to Mark's instinct and his ability to read my body's speech. Not even once did I give him the signal that I want to transfer this relationship to a higher level. But when the boy's hands slid gently under my shirt, I panicked. My body went through a cold chill of terror. I broke the kiss and grabbed the boy by the wrists. I didn't look in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" He asked softly, pulling a lost wisp from my forehead.

"Nothing," I whispered, looking through the car window into the field. The grass slowly turned yellow, bringing the autumn landscape into our daily routine. The shrubs bent toward the ground and the flowers closed and faded. The world was slowly falling asleep.

"Donghyuck..." he murmured like to the child, who hides a huge mystery. Like a parent who wants to mutter this statement that whatever the child does, he loves him infinitely. It convinced me.

"You know that if you want something more now... I... I don't want it for the time being" I started timidly, ending my sentence. I hoped thathhe would sketch in the rest of my thought by himself.

"I know," he said almost immediately without any hesitation. "I can see it, calm down," he smiled cheerfully, patting me comfortingly in thigh.

"I'm sorry," I sighed heavily, leaning forward. I hid my face in the hollow of Minhyung's neck, sliding my hands slightly between the driver's seat and the lower part of his back.

"Why are you apologizing to me for such a thing?" He wondered. "After all, we are in no hurry," he assured calmly, hugging me tight. I felt Minhyung's mouth on my shoulder.

"I have the impression that I... somehow keep you back," I muttered timidly.

"You're not keeping me back, baby," he denied. "It is good the way it is now."

"I see you want to go further. That's why I  feel foolish for not being ready, "I said straight from the schoulder. Since we have entered the subject anyway, it was pointless to pretend that it did not exist.

"Well, I wasn't brought up by a monks, but I can wait. You don't have to worry about it at all, "he whispered. I leaned back a little to look at him doubtfully. "Donghyuck... my the sweetest sweetheart..." He laughed as if he made the best joke of the year. He grabbed me slowly by the palms, thumbs making small circles inside them. "We'll go on if and only if  when you think you're ready, you understand? It is not up to me, not up to your mother or the headteacher of our school but it's up only to you. I don't encourage you to anything and I don't want you to feel any pressure from me, okay? "He asked, looking me straight in the eye. I returned the look, nodding slowly.

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