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With the arrival of the weekend everything in my head suddenly fell silent. All this existential magical noise fell asleep, allowing to my perceptiona quiet chirp of birds, which besieged the branches of the tree just outside the window. This tree has grown here since Minhyung remembered, it was probably older than we both together. During a gale or a storm, its stems knocked gently on the glass, although our bedroom was located in the attic.

At the very beginning of our relationship, when we started to sleep with each other (and I do not mean sexual relations here at all), I usually took the left side of the bed and Minhyung's body blocked the visual access to the view of the world outside the window. Over time, we've interchanged mattress halves because I usually slep less than my boyfriend. For as long as I remember, I woke up earlier than the rest of the people, so at sleepovers or prties I always had to wait for the rest to resurrect.

Today, however, I have devoted little attention to the outside world. Instead, I focused on a different kind of world to me that had a typical human face. Minhyung slept deeply and it seemed that I had at least an hour of shameless staring at his face. Sharp features, pale complexion, dark eyebrows contrasting with blonde curls, which were no longer suited to his age or his profession. All this consisted of a picture of Minhyung I didn't want to change. He was somehow unusual, exceptional and precious with his both attitude towards life, human relations, culture and so on and extraordinary character that mirrors boy's very complex inner life.

During that hour, my head was filled with thoughts like that I could wake up in the same way every day. I didn't mind similar monotony. Start each day at the side of a beloved man, with his hand on my waist, with the leg slipped between mine and the body pressed against one another - isn't it the vision of the ideal relationship? In my opinion - totally, although everyone could have a different prospect of their being. It was about the presence of the other, warm body at your fingertips. It was the warmth that I was always greedy for. That was the missing piece of my soul.

"How long are you awake?" Minhyung asked, still not opening his eyes. I could not hide the thrill of surprise. His question was so sudden and unexpected that I was almost scared.

"Shortly," I replied calmly, hugging his chest as he turned on his back.

"Born liar," Mark said with a yawn, immediately investing me with the warm arm of a man just awakened from a deep sleep. I melted under the influence of the boy's touch, dreaming of lying in bed all day just this way. "What did you dream today?"

"Hmmm..." I muttered under breath, putting a cool hand under Mark's shirt. I placed it in the area where he had a tattoo. Although I couldn't see it now, I could have sworn that in some strange way I felt every detail of it under my fingertips.

"Icy" shivered, lightly tying the abdominal muscles. I didn't understand how he had any of it because I had never seen Minhyung during any physical activity except for flicking through the channels. Each of us has apparently been given a different portion of perfection at birth.

"I think that it was something unpleasant," I murmured in response. "But I can't remember what exactly anymore."

"I'm asking because you were starting at night, you know?" He muttered under his breath, separating the strands of my hair fondly.

"Did I say something?" I was curious.

"Something gibberish but I didn't understand anything." Mark laughed as if at the mere mention of my nonsense.

"Mhm... Did you dream anything?" I asked, standing up on my elbow to look at the blonde. He shook his head in denial.

"I rarely have dreams," he whispered, touching my cheek with the back of his hand.

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