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The attempt to open my eyes was one of the most painful experiences of the past year for me. I have already successfully forgotten what a giant hangover is and what the effects of partying look like. After all, a cracking head was probably not the worst thing that could happen to me. An ordinary hangover was significantly overshadowed by a moral hangover.

"Fuuuuuuck" I moaned, remembering all the stupid things I did yesterday and talked about. It all began to go head-on when Erik proposed a beer pong. What a madman would refuse to participate in a game that brings a breeze of youthful madness. Later, I blacked out and came back to reality only when I was lying under the porch and hysterically refused to return to Hyuck for fear of my life and then confessed my undying love for him. Fear of  own boyfriend seemed to restore consciousness better than anything else. "Fuck!" I choked on the air, struggling with the thrill of terror as I tried to sit up and noticed a pair of eyes staring intently at me.

"Exactly," Donghyuck muttered, closing the book he was reading. "Fuck" repeated my words. "You look like shit," he said with a heavy sigh.

"I'm sorry" I sttutered out, pulling the quilt under my chin. Despite the pajamas, the chill of boy's gaze reached me. I vaguely remember that Hyuck promised to change me when I fell asleep but I didn't think he would really do it. The boy sighed heavily as he approached me with a steaming mug. He sat on the edge of the bed and handed it to me. "Tea with sugar" he explained when I looked at him uncertainly. I believed that he didn't add arsenic there but after the concert I gave him yesterday, I couldn't rule out a similar threat. "For stomach, for liver, for your alcoholic ass" he added calmly, encouraging me to drink. Donghyuck was looking at me for a moment with a reluctant expression. I raised my eyebrows questioningly. "Go wash yourself because you smell like a fucking dumpster outside the liquor store.," he grimaced, explaining to me the source of his dissatisfaction. "Where the hell have you been anyway?" He asked.

"In one brothel," I said in a hoarse voice that I barely was able to recognise. Yelling under the house was not the best idea. I started coughing and my head began to kill me. I groaned in pain.

"Well, congratulations," Donghyuck said sneeringly, showing me no pity. I couldn't be surprised by this. I gave him a sleepless night and tons of nerves. I was assuming thah he will be even more pissed off then he is now anyway. "You stink to high heaven exactly like a cheap brothel," he added after a moment, when my ears stopped buzzing.

"Not so cheap" I stated, counting quickly the money that I left there when being still aware. I didn't even count on what happened after losing consciousness. I decided that looking at the account balance immediately after the event is not a good solution.

"Don't push it," Donghyuck warned with a stern expression that didn't suit him at all. I laughed and set the tea down on the bedside table. I put my arms around Donghyuck and pulled him down tome to the bed level. The boy began to laugh loudly and tried to break free but he tangled our limbs even more with such an action.

"No!" he squeaked when I wanted to kiss him. "You stink, Minhyung," he said brutally, covering my mouth with his hand. I laughed silently, pulling him even closer to me. We looked at each other in silence, which I needed to say that Donghyuck is actually not mad at me at all. That's all I needed now. I didn't do anything wrong and he wasn't angry. A simple equation but it helped to sort out the mess that I almost led to yesterday. To let off steam and weight in my head and stop the growing silence between us, I made the sound of a tractor starting the engine and "farted" with my mouth straight into Donghyuck's neck. I got punched in my arm strongly for that  but it was worth it.

"Yuck!" Hyuck laughed, wiping his neck with the sleeve of his sweatshirt. He untangled his legs from mine and got out of bed. "Get the fuck off this bed and go to shower," he said seriously. "Children's Day is over".

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