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Megan's wedding was to take place at Mark's uncle and aunt home. At first, I couldn't imagine it. How huge must be the house where someone wants to do a wedding in the garden? Minhyung, however, only started to laugh and gave me his phone with the embedded address in the search gate. Throughout our journey to the airport, I was watching the Smiths estate (because that's the name of my boyfriend's aunt after getting married to uncle Thomas) on Google Maps. Thanks to this I understood that the place where we will live for the next two months or so can not be called home. It was some kind of fucking palace.

"It just seems like that in a bird's eye view, honey," Mark assured me when I shared my remarks with him. "It's just a bit bigger villa."

"That's a huge difference, you have a point here," I said sarcastically. The boy sighed heavily.

"What to do... When you marry a guy working in real estate sales, you have to reckon with this repellant splendor and learn to live with disgust to glamor" he joked and I rolled my eyes and returned to seeing the beautiful garden with pool and pond.

I began to wonder how I would find myself in this whole company that I had to meet. I was also worried about the language barrier because apart from Mark, his aunt and Johnny, no one knows Korean there. I studied carefully under the supervision of the boy and we even arranged a challenge during which we had to speak only English for a week. In spite of everything, the closer we were to Vancouver, the more my ability to speak a foreign language became more and more disappearing.

Megan picked us up at the airport. I always thought that girl and Minhyung had a strong bond. The boy mentioned that she socialized him, dragged him to parties and introduced him into gesellschaft. The very result of these social jumps wasn't the best but from his memories an image of Megan appeared to me as a person who did everything in her power so that Mark would not spend all his days at home and got the opportunity to meet new people. Coming to Canada, however, from the very beginning of our visit I had to submit my assumptions to constant verification because many things began to change their shape as we moved away from the airport and approached the home of the aunt of my wonderful boyfriend. With time, I began to wonder how much after a year of being in a relationship I know about it all and how many things still lies behind the billboard with a question mark painted in the middle.

Megan was leaning nonchalantly against the car, chewing gum. Sunglasses covered her half face, the prominent bust was pouring out of the top revealing the half-body and her hands were hidden in the pockets of much too big basketball shorts. I wondered if the wedding was planned to reveal more feminine image of her or tracksuits were a permanent element of Megan's wardrobe for any occasion. I never had a good opinion about the girl herself because Mark did not talk much about girl. He never showed me a photo of Megan and her appearance was also a matter of guesswork. However, the current Mrs. Smith and future Anderson herself made sure that I would realize very quickly how fantastic and warm person she is. I stopped being surprised by the fact that Minhyung didn't talk about her at all.

"We've got twenty-five degrees," she said as soon as she saw me and it was as contemptuous as if I'd got in her way, although we'd only seen each other for the first time.

"I also was dying of longing for you." Minhyung sighed heavily, picking up the car keys from her, which she casually reached toward him on the index finger. When the boy put our suitcases in the trunk, Megan pulled on her glasses and looked at me carefully without a gram of embarrassment.

"Do you feel anything when I'm talking to you?" She asked, probably checking if I understood English at all.

"Yes" I whispered uncertainly, embracing myself with my arms.

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