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Ok... so... XD It's rated M. And what I mean by rated M is that this chapter contains almost in 90% from sexual things. Main disadvantage of today's update is the fact that it came into being just a moment ago. I wrote it quite fast so it's yet hot. I did it without checking because in rated M chapers I have this manner of reading everything 100 times, I want it to be perfect and after reading it so many times i have feeling thats its total crap and shit and then You guys are waiting whole eternity for next untill I claim to myself that its acceptable and worth publishing XD So let's go! Let's read and comment this rapidly done not so little fucker :')

The school dance in our school meant not only the beginning of the next school year and the integration of new classes with the school environment or the new faces of these walls' regular visitors. First of all, it was an occasion to celebrate Spring Day on a slightly shifted date. Everyone enjoyed the onset of the eastern nations' of this worldfavorite season ever.

Everyone except me.

I didn't like cherry blossoms, chirping birds, waking nature and all those happy people displaying happy faces to the first warmer rays of the sun.

Spring has always been for me a period dominated by suffering, nervous breakdowns and loneliness interspersed with a sense of disgust towards my body. It was in spring that Minhyung lost his parents, his childhood and his life so far. And I lost him. We've lost each other. It was in spring that I always had relapses of depression and states of increased apathy. It was in the spring that I could not get out of bed and force myself to function normally in society. That is why the Spring Festival was never really a holiday for me - I had nothing to celebrate.

"Haechan..." I heard Koeun's quiet whisper. We danced slowly among other couples, slowly traverse the dance floor with lazy turns around our own axis. "I need to tell you something," she said uncertainly, sending me a slightly scared look.

"What's this?" I was surprised. I've never seen her behave like this before. "I will not tell anyone," I assured.

"It's not like that..." she sighed heavily. "I fell in love," she finally said quietly, resting her forehead on my shoulder to hide embarrassment with all this situation. At the moment my heart skipped a few very significant strokes, because it became incredibly hot to me.

"But... But what? In me? "I asked in a trembling voice as I recovered a little and could use the vocal apparatus. Koeun raised her head quickly, staring at me in disbelief.

"No, stupid," she laughed, almost instantly getting serious one again "Jeno," she whispered, peeking discreetly at the table where our entire group sat. The aforementioned boy was talking about something with Renjun, completely ignoring our existence.

"Jeno?" I laughed.

"Well, what?" She growled.

"Nothing" shrugged. "I thought you did not like him," I explained her source of my surprise.

"Because it was so..." she admitted to me. "But I changed my mind."

"So what has captivated you so much in our beloved Jeno?" I asked with a hint of irony for which I received a punch on the shoulder.

"I don't know... he seems so distant and relaxed at first glance but I know that he is really a very beloved person with a good heart" I nodded in a sign that I understood. In fact, I agreed with that statement. Jeno is a really wonderful person, a wonderful friend who is always with you when you need him. If he and Koeun would make a couple, then I'd definitely like to be a best man at their wedding. "And he's hot," she added after a while and I could not help but laugh. The girl did the same. "Well, you can't deny it!"

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