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"I imagined your room differently,"  muttered under my breath, playing with Minhyung's hair. I moved my eyes slowly across the black walls of the room and the dark blue ceiling with fluorescent stars. Lying with my head at the foot of the bed, it felt like it really shimmered and moved, though it was not completely dark outside the window.

"How much differently, honey?" he asked, giving me a lazy kiss on naked lower abdomen, then leaned his head against the inside of my thigh and looked at me carefully.

"Hmmm... don't know..." I sighed heavily. Collecting thoughts in a logical whole right after sex has never been an easy task for me. "A lot of books on shelves... shelves with postcards and souvenirs from holidays" I listed vaguely, analyzing posters of metal and rock bands that here and there decorated the walls. I didn't know them all but most of them at least sounded familiar. Minhyung continued to listen to them.

"Because I studied literature?" he laughed in disbelief, kissing me in the stomach. I shook my head in denial, gently biting my lower lip.

"Because you were a nerd," I replied in a theatrical whisper and then laughed when I saw Minhyung's face full of amazement. This amazement, however, eventually replaced the smirk.

"A nerd, you say..." he muttered, sliding his nose gently over my groin. I rolled eyes. I wanted to tell him that he really did not have to prove to me now that it was different but Minhyung already had his world and his goal that he had to achieve. I sighed loudly, tilting my head back as boy sucked in on the inside of my thigh, probably leaving behind a sizable hickey. My fingers automatically clenched on the sheets and  hips went a little up.

"Someone isn't fed up here yet," he noted with joy, throwing my legs over his shoulders.

"It's impossible to be fed up with you," I laughed flirtatiously when he bent to kiss.

"And it's impossible to get enough of you," he muttered seductively, forcing a loud groan of pleasure on my part with his tongue .

I pulled him abruptly, sinking my fingers into the boy's hair. I didn't know if it was the fact of such a long bodily separation made us this way, or perhaps the air in Canada was simply saturated with lust and the need to cultivate prostitution and debauchery, but since we came here we were like mating like a rabbits and nothing indicated that that we could stop doing it anyway.

I moaned loudly when Minhyung's hand rubbed against my penis on the way from my thigh to the hip. The boy smiled under his breath without disconnecting our lips even for a moment. When I felt Mark's fingertips around my anus, I already knew that all the fun would start again and I could not wait to...

"Oh, I see you have a great time," we heard right after the sound of the door's sudden opening. I jumped up to sit up, bucking Minhyung off and covered myself quickly with the sheet. I felt how hot embarrassment hits my cheeks. Before I could turn towards the person who had decided to enter the room without knocking, I heard the raised voice of the pissed off Mark.

"Fuck, Johnny, get out for God's sake..."

"I just wanted to communicate my arrival," he explained quickly, even without hiding his amusement with the fact that he caught us in bed games.

"Get the fuck out of here!" Minhyung shouted irritably at his friend, who only laughed loudly and slammed the door behind with a note tht he'll be waiting for us in the kitchen.

When there was a minute of awkward silence in the room, I exchanged a not-so-pleased look with Minhyung. I combed hair and sighed heavily with nervousness. Such things really embarrassed me and made everything awkward. Johnny wasn't a person who kept similar life events in secret. Surely he was already in the kitchen and entertained the whole Mark's family with tales as he caught Minhyung penetrating my ass with his dick. I began to unwrap myself from the cocoon made from the sheet with real rage.

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