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I know that my story has a label matured but I want to write it again: this chapter is rated M. I don't want any misunderstandings or outrage that its's unaccepted. I can't believe that sometimes on the internet somebody is hating author for writing such a things becasuse its INTERNET. If u don't want to watch / read or write sth then don't do this. We are free, we can do whatever we want to do here. Peace. (+ It's a very long chapter in my opinion so reserve some time for it ♥)

I woke up well-rested, by myself. I didn't remember the last time I had experienced an unforced rise and shine. I even noticed that I wasn't hurt as much as I suspected at first. Minhyung's arm was still embracing me, obliging me with its warmth and weight.

While the boy was sleeping, I was able to calm myself down. Minhyung was tired and frustrated with all of this. Surely he was surmising many things. Only fools would not guess. He had some information but it was residual. As if he combined the dots to get the full picture but was unable to find the next one, so he was stuck somewhere in the middle.

Minhyung felt guilty. He felt guilt of my wounds, my bad general sensation, of everything. He did what he could just not to show it but it definitely wasn't working out. In turn, I didn't want to feel like an entity that blamed him for anything. I didn't want to get glances filled with regret, sadness, apologies and guilt. In the end, either way, I did it by myself to myself. I had the right to self-abhor. It wasn't Minhyung's fault that I was just mentally weak. That I still am.

I looked out the window, playing gently with Mark's fingers. It's November that just started. Days have become more and more short and the chill of the outside has been growing gradually. Rotten leaves were left untilled on the roads, producing an air-specific odor. It was such a sleepy atmosphere in which we were waiting for the first snow - surrounded by gray skies, thrown back at the warmth of our bodies. Tucked with sleepy atmosphere, we waited for the first white flakes to come from the sky and cover the ground.

"Wahat time is it?" Minhyung whispered suddenly to my ear. A shiver passed me.

"Two pm," I said calmly.

"We slept nicely," he muttered sleepily, grasping me tighter to his chest.

"Indeed" I laughed as the boy's nose snapped into a sensitive place on the skin of my neck. "You didn't have any classes today, did you?" I asked after a moment of dead silence.

"I have no lessons on Fridays," he sighed heavily. Opening his eyelids came with great difficulty today. "Besides, even if I had some,due to the current situation I would rather cancel them."

"You know you don't have to do that," I murmured, after a long moment.

"What supposedly?" He replied wearily more in the form of assertion than questions. "Taking care of my boyfriend, who allowed some motherfucker to beat the living daylights out of him," he said, yawning.

"Well, for example," I whispered, turning to face him. Minhyung looked at me with his sleepy gaze.

"You're so stupid sometimes," he said quite seriously. "You are the most important to me."


I felt like I was taking part in an impaired version of Masterchef Junior for underdeveloped adult cooks. Donghyuck was sitting on the kitchen counter and told me what to do next. Grate the salmon, squeeze the lemon, sprinkle with lemon pepper. Not white, Minhyung, lemon. It lies between herbal pepper and thyme. Stir the spinach, because you'll burn it up soon and add the garlic with cream. I did everything terribly slowly. I never suspected that a man is capable of doing so many things at once, cooking at this level without being a professional. You have to watch so many things. In order not to overcook the pasta, not burn the spinach, not let salmon to soak in in the lemon sauce for too long. Sure, I wanted to do something for dinner, but I guess not with that level of sophistication.

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