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"Would you like to come and listen to my playing?" Donghyuck suddenly asked after a long silence between us.

"I was wondering when this day would finally come," I admitted honestly, looking at the boy with a smile. He rolled his eyes, sighing heavily.

"I wasn't ready," he explained to me, as if it were obvious. In fact, it was not. We've never talked about his extra-curricular activities. "I wanted to master everything to perfection first," he added, looking down at his feet.

"Okay" I laughed encouragingly, swinging in the air with our fused fingers.

It was a very pleasant Sunday, almost a typical summer morning even though untill calendar summer we still had some time. We both agreed that the weather is just perfect for a walk. The forest continued to wake up from winter sleep, blossoming again and again. It was the same thing with us. We slowly worked out some common patterns of a sharing space in one house, which was very diverse. Suddenly, it turned out that we fold clothes in a completely different way, we have earned different cleaning patterns and the morning routine of one another is governed by different laws. It happens. Currently, however, we're getting along very well and have reorganized our lives in order to find the golden mean of our common needs, which eventually met halfway. The art of compromise made us a pair so perfect that each of us wondered secretly when in the end something will suddenly go away and our lives would fall apart. However, we didn't say similar things out loud to avoid self-fulfilling prophecies.

"It may be this Thursday because I wait anyway until you finish the duty hours and the school will be empty then." Donghyuck suggested and I couldn't disagree with a similar solution.

"What about the place?" I asked. "I don't have an access to all the rooms at school."

"I have a key" boy smiled happily, almost bouncing in place. He really had to plan everything. I smiled under my breath. "Frank said that I can come there whenever I want to, so that's our smallest problem," he added, obliterating the whole magic of the last moment with the name of this fool.

"Mhm" I muttered reluctantly, not able to hide my disgust.

"What kind of mhm is it?" Hyuck asked at once, sensing a sudden change of mood.

"None" I shrugged. I didn't want to spoil him this whole joy of planning the meeting. He was really happy that he could show me something of his own work, music, self. I would be fucking smacktard, pulling him down with my prejudices.

"I know all your mhms and I don't like this one too much," he said straight from the shoulder, not playing with the verbal half-measures. I shrugged.

"I don't like this faggot," I finally said.

"Frank?" He asked.

"Mhm" I muttered again. Donghyuck laughed, nudging my shoulder.

"Do not be afraid of this name, Minhyung," he joked. "It didn't hurt you by any means," he noticed correctly but that did not change the fact that it caused me anxiety. I rolled my eyes, turning head towards the lake where we were slowly heading. I hated the feeling that came up every time we talked about Inaldi. I could not define it well and it bothered me a bit.

"There is nothing between you two now, am I right?" I finally asked, feeling a great need to get rid of this question. It has been there for a long time, it has been fermenting and rotting, spoiling the remnants of my well-being. Endangered masculinity? A threatened position? I was just afraid that I would lose what gave my life any meaning. It was existential fear - fear of loneliness, leaving and the demons of the past lurking around the corner.

"Are you nuts?," Donghyuck said with slight disbelief. I sighed heavily, closing my eyes for a moment. I took a deep breath of fresh air and let it out slowly from my lungs.

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