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"So your mom knows?" Frank asked, closing the door to Mark's office behind him.

"She always knew," I replied, sitting down in a chair at Hyung's desk.

I was surprised by his visit. Frank was the last person I expected to see on the doorstep of our apartment. In his place all the signs in heaven and earth would tell me that I have nothing to look for here.

I was angry at him. Angry in the sense that he came back and snarled up in my relationship. Angry because he made my man feel like the prize idiot, like a shit and was just starting to face with all this trauma that paralyzed our lives for a while. Angry that because of him, Mark would move himself into an even greater sense of guilt, although actually searching for any scapegoats in this situation was a very wrong solution. For this reason, I didn't have the slightest desire to talk to Frank, I didn't want to see him and in the first days after waking up, I only dreamed that our paths would never cross again in the future because everything would have gone completely different path if we haven't met each other after years.

"That's why you don't live with your parents?" He asked, looking around the office.

"It turned out that my father is much less liberal then my mom, I don't know what to tell you more..." I sighed heavily, turning a cup of hot chocolate in my hands. It irritated me that he didn't go straight to the crux of the matter, he just chose to go round in circles like a glitter around the sparkle lying in the field.

"You really know each other for ages..." he began uncertainly, taking the frame from the shelf. It was a picture I took from my desk when moving out. It showed me and Minhyung on the swings. "How long are you together?" He asked, still staring at the old photograph.

"Not as long as you probably think" I answered a bit harshly, almost immediately feeling bad about it. In spite of all the anger I had in my heart, this daily Donghyuck never address people like that. "Since Minhyung's return to Ansan, so it will be a year soon," I added after a while much more mildly, wanting to somehow erase the unpleasant feeling that appeared in my heart. I didn't want to be rude or malicious. I just felt unpleasantly in this situation, one to one in Minhyung's office, while Mark and my mother were sitting in the living room on the couch just right behind the wall. The feeling of inadequacy of the whole aura tingled me.

Finally, after a few minutes, Frank finished making an overview of family photographs that were standing in different places of the room and sat on the couch with obvious reluctance. I was sitting in silence and looking at him expectantly, while Frank himself stared at the carpet and remained silent as if he were enchanted. I didn't intend to rush him.

After a while, however, the silence in the room was interrupted by a knock at the door and Minhyung entered the office with a mug of coffee, which he gave to Frank. He did it without much commitment and rather casually but no one said that reconciling personal resentment with the requirement of good manners is a simple matter. Inaldi nodded slowly as an expression of his gratitude. Mark looked at me uncertainly, as if he were thinking about something deeply. I raised my eyebrows questioningly.

"Going out somewhere?" I was surprised to notice that he was wearing a jacket and holding car keys in hand.

"I'm going to drop your mother at work," he explained calmly, sending me a charming smile. "I'll be back in twenty minutes," he added mysteriously, as if this information would be more a warning to Frank than a statement for me. I smiled under my breath, which did not escape Minhyung, who only rolled his eyes. "Do you want something from the store?" He asked, standing in the doorway. I shook my head in denial. "Okay" he whispered under his breath, then he came out reluctantly, gently biting his lower lip. I guessed that letting us alone here in some way did not suit him. I think that he could never fully realize what it is exactly which must have been even more frustrating.

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