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4 months... that sounds insane xD

People are leaving us. 

I never doubted it, I never denied it. I had been experiencing it every day. Someone was in my life, someone turned their backs to me. Over time, the wounds healed and the new ones ceased to arise. Loneliness has become my daily basis.

However, there are people from who you cannot easily get away. Even after years their faces, their silhouette and the warmth they gave us are still alive and hurting in their own way. The most painful are relationships, which for many reasons cannot be renewed, which are unattainable for us. I felt that kind of regret at the moment, looking at the sad, neglected gravestone, the existence of which had been forgotten by the whole world.

"You can't even imagine how hard it is for me now, mom," I whispered in a broken voice, wiping my wet cheek with the back of my hand. "What should I do?" I asked the question in empty space without even looking to anyone for reply.

I sighed heavily, twiring sourly at the bouquet of flowers I bought after classes. I haven't thought I would find her grave anyways. Donghyuck's mother set me on its position, although in her memory this track also faded. I was too concentrated on my pathetical self to notice the woman's embarrassment. Thinking about the idea of ​​going to the cemetery only when problems began to overwhelm me with heavy iron curtain of thoughts was woeful. That's why i wasn't able to contempt her - as if I could have a grudge agains her, even though I did nothing myself to change actual state. I was a master of postponing and now I had to face all the consequences of this action.

The sound of the phone ringing ripped me from my reverie. Donghyuck. I cleared my throat quickly, picking up incoming call slowly.

"Yeah, honey?" I greeted strangely, feeling the specificity of the tone I used. I looked into the cloudy sky. It mustered up for a storm. Heavy air was platering my face.

"Something happened?" He asked anxiously. I winced slightly. You're not in a relationship with a fool, Mark. You're a poor actor. I turned my back on the tombstone. His presence distracted me even more. Another relic of the past.

"No, why are you asking?" I pretended to be surprised, receiving a heavy sigh on the other side of the phone. I looked at my car in the distance.

"Because you have a terribly strange voice," he explained the obvious obviousness, which made me even more embarrassed. I wanted to end this conversation.

"Nothing has happened," I assured. "Why are you calling?" I murmured, coming down the escarpment. The atmosphere of the cemetery obviously overwhelmed me. A long silence answered me. I looked at the screen. The call was still active.

"Mmmm... We were supposed to meet, but it seems to me that you forgot," he said calmly, as if he exactly had expected it. It struck me how awful moron I was that I let him predict such behavior from me.

"Oh god, Donghyuck, I'm so sorry," I said honestly, speeding up my pace.

"Nothing happened", he replied with resignation and tiredness in his voice. I guessed that it was knackering him more than he was showing, that low spirit which was giving me a pain recently. It was bad for us, but I couldn't change it. "I'll just go home," he said calmly, without much emotion. I swore under my breath.

"I will be in twenty minutes, will you stand it that long?" I asked quickly, sitting behind the wheel. I started the engine, still waiting for a response that didn'tcome. I left with the crunch of stones from the cemetery car park.

"Minhyung... I have the impression that you prefer to stay a little alone today, so maybe I just ..." he began cautiously but I categorically interrupted what he wanted to say.

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