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"I heard you want to ruin your life completely," Megan said, seemingly innocent but with a distinct sense of superiority, passing me in the corridor with her head up high. I came to a stop, sighing irritably.

Aunt was just great.

As you can see, her daughter's return to favors came faster than I thought. She broke her relationship with me, so apparently she must have had at least one of her children as an ally in these difficult times of quarrelsome family. However, I didn't think that entering a new coalition meant revealing all the secrets from the previous one. It wasn't fair but as far as I can see, this was how the state of permanent war with my aunt looks like. Generally - not too pleasant.

"What do you mean now?" I asked reluctantly, although I knew perfectly well what she was aiming at. For now I had only one last, big secret. I lived with the hope that at least this one wouldn't turn against me because I barely got over the last ones.

"Do you want to be with someone like that for your whole life?" she asked, entering her room. However, she left the door open, thus encouraging further conversation. For a moment I was thinking very seriously whether to just go ahead and ignore her slight tweaks but it turned out that I couldn't. Megan was always able to get me into a quarrel that I couldn't resist the desire to prove her wrong.

"What do you mean by someone like that?" I asked with a heavy sigh. I've heard a lot of things about Donghyuck in this house. There were good ones but negative ones weren't so uncommon as I wished to. I tried not to take it personally. However, I didn't understand how could this sweet boy ruin my life? Sometimes I had the impression that I wanted to ruin him with real stubbornness of a maniac. "Don't you get carried away too much lately?" I asked when she threw herself ostentatiously on her own bed. There was always an unearthly state out of the girl's room. Since yesterday, however, she was also packing up to move out, so I had the impression that I was really in the middle of one big chaos.

"He's a child," she remarked with complete contempt, as if the disposition and character of Hyuck had a crushing significance. Well, it didn't. "He doesn't know anything about life," she explained to me when I didn't respond in any way to her earlier statement. "Do you want to babysit him for the rest of your days?" she asked with mockery.

"You don't know him at all, so I'd really advise you to take care of yourself," I just said, not wanting to get too much into discussions with the girl but at the same time I didn't want to let her offend Hyuck, who she had no idea about. I started going toward the door. I didn't want to talk to her.

"Lucas was better," she said louder after me. "It's a shame you fucked this relationship," she said bitterly, effectively raising my blood pressure to the point where I wanted to break something. Preferably her. Maybe then she would give me peace of mind and stop poisoning my life with her negative attitude towards my existence.

"Stop it with this Lucas," I simply said, my voice completely exhausted from the will to fight. How long can we be at loggerheads with each other? How many years will we spend on this disgusting envy, jealousy and stupid taunts. "I'm sick just looking at him and you still claim that he's a good man, although he destroyed my life," I pointed her truth up front. As for Lucas, she has always been totally uncritical. She couldn't see his fault at all. Best friends, buddies to death. Nothing connects like common addictions that you can't get out of for years. I broke this pattern, so she has to make my life miserable. That's how I saw our stupid verbal skirmishes.

"I think someone else destroyed it but do as you think," she replied as usual in a lofty, artificially offended tone - as always, when she knew that I was right but she was too proud and standing firm by her false belief. I took a deep breath and blinked at the ceiling a few times. When I looked at the girl again, I realized that it was high time for the brutal truth on my part towards her. I was leaving soon - probably permanently, probably at odds with the whole family and probably without the intention of meeting them ever again in this lifetime.

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