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I was terribly sorry for Johnny and so ashamed that he must've survived such a unpleasant night. I could not look him in the eye all day long. What an embarrassment... On the other hand, it was the best night of my life so far and I definitely had something to remember.

Minhyung kept his hand on my thigh, gently rolling the wheels on it with his thumb. We were driving slowly through the forest, wanting to extend the ten minutes of the road as much as possible. I closed my eyes, tilting  head back and put hand on Minhyung's fingers, gently caressing his skin. I was thinking about how these hands were not so long ago on my body,  making out, examining every single millimeter of my skin. I felt like an unknown land which met a very demanding and inquisitive explorer who decided to penetrate this land very deeply. I still felt some discomfort in the intimate parts of my body but it was no longer as bad as just after waking up. A pain was more or less comparable to what I felt the day after our first time - also very tolerably.

"Well there we are." Mark sighed heavily, draving up to the house itself. I had one more hour before my mother returned from work and three before my father did so we could take the liberty of doing such a risky things. I looked at Minhyung with a smile under my breath. It was charming in his own way, that each time he clearly made me understand how much he did not like the fact of our separation. I didn't like it either but my abilities in this extent were almost nonexistent.

"Kiss me goodbye" I just whispered.

"Do you think I would let you out without it?" The boy asked me with a smile, quickly drawing me to him. We exchanged a few lazy kisses, stretching the time of separation as usual. We've already been like that. Certainly in love and thirsting for each other. I touched the Minhyung's jawline gently with my finger, resting forehead against each other. I wondered how long this period lasts in a relationship. The moment when you cannot live without each other. When and how does it end? I didn't want us to be like all the couples who finally get bored of each other or betray each other. I wanted us to be different, special. In this matter, I was a dreamer who, at all costs, wants to escape the requirements of the world, which in the center of knowledge puts objective truth - realism.

"It was great," I said with a smile.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it" Minhyung laughed under his breath, quickly joining our lips for a last moment, then moved back to his seat. "I'm guessing that... until tomorrow, at school?"

"Yes" I nodded reluctantly, reaching into the back seat for a bag with a suit. It took me fifteen minutes to complete it because literally every part of my yesterday's outfit was laying in a completely different part of the house and the car. "Bye-bye" I said letting him go, then got out of the car. I went to the door, waiting for Mark to leave. I waved him away and started searching for the keys in my pockets. But when I found them already, it turned out that It was not needed at all because the doors gave way.

"Hi?" I asked uncertainly as I entered the corridor. I took off my shoes and put the bag on the floor. Nobody answered me. I walked a bit further to the living room, taking very cautious steps. My father stood by the window, looking up the driveway. 


Suddenly I felt as if all the blood from my body had drifted away to a distant place because I felt terribly cold. "Hi, daddy," I whispered, really trying to sound like I did nothing wrong. Because I did not actually. In spite of everything, I felt an unbelievable fear that only intensified when the man began to take slow steps along, reducing the distance between us. "You came back early," I added when he stood in front of me. Discreetly, I started to stick my nails into the hands' skin to feel just a little bit of pain, to feel that I'm still alive by any chance.

"You must think I'm awfully stupid. Do I look like a fool to you?" He asked dryly and so coldly that I already knew I was up shit creek without a paddle. In the light of all the things that happened later, I didn't think, however, that it will reach such a degree.

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