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Facing the white ceiling in front of my eyes, I felt that something was missing. Something that would make me realize that the white room was just a tragic nightmare from which I managed to break free. I needed confirmation that it was just a bad dream. That he is here somewhere. That he didn't leave me again. That he didn't leaveme like last time.

"Two blinks mean yes and one means no. Do you understand it, Donghyuck? "The doctor asked me like some kind of fool. The heavy head dropped to the side, escaping from the small flashlight that attacked my eyes. Everything with my consciousness was fine. I was mentally functioning as I always did, although the speech engine actually refused to obey me for unknown reasons. I blinked twice, feeling the pressure of the doctor on the nerves of my hand. I wanted him to stop doing it but I was unable to communicate it at the same time. I was simply unable to push him away or defend myself. My arms were limp. "Well... Do you know what day we have? "I blinked once, moving my gaze to the nurse who was doing something with the drip I was connected to. The regular equipment beeping on the one hand calmed me down and on the other hand it was extremely tiring. I could not collect the thoughts I was looking for. I was looking for the right item that I could not name yet. "Do you know who this person is?" The man inquired, pointing his finger at the woman crying against the wall. It took me a long moment to understand that this tired face with swollen eyes is in fact my mother. I answered in the affirmative, causing her to spasmodic sobbing, which symbolized unbounded relief.

I began to wonder how long I was unconscious that any sign of my life caused such powerful emotions in her. After all, I did not look for her.

He's not here..., I thought, experiencing a kind of deja vu. My wake-up in the hospital after the suicide attempt was exactly the same. Everyone was crying and I was asking myself where he was. Has he come back? Or maybe his disappearance just was jut a bad dream and never took place?

Suddenly, all this mournful mood in the room was interrupted by a loud slamming of the door bouncing off the wall. I saw the breathless Minhyung in the doorway.

"Mr. Lee, for God's sake," the doctor scolded him at once, at least as if he had committed some terrible crime on the property of the hospital. In my mind I told him to shut up. I felt a cold tear running from the corner of my eye, then disappearing somewhere on the back of my neck. "Do you recognize this person?" The man asked routinely but I could not answer him. I felt it would be foolish to waste time on some senseless blink that made too much effort for me right now. In the end, I could see the person I was waiting for. Mark smiled at me through tears, wiping them straight away with the sleeve of a terribly crumpled shirt, which, with its negligence, matched perfectly to the ruffled brown hair. I felt my heart try to break free of my chest, which did not escape the attention of the life-support equipment next to my bed, which began to pulsate like crazy. "Donghyuck, do you recognize this person?" The doctor asked with fear, probably recognizing the reaction of my body as abnormal.

At first, I thought it was just a joy but after a while, some strange pain pierced my head. Later, I was to know that I received too many stimuli for once and my brain could not cope with all of them after such a long period of stagnation. For now, however, I felt my eyeballs wander up and darkness enveloped me once again.


Before I woke up completely, I felt a gentle stroking on my head for a long time. However, because I have not been able to sleep so deep in a long time, it did not wake me up right away. I let these fingers subtly wander between strands of my hair. The bliss that I felt from it only tied me more to the state of twilight sleep. However, when I finally realized who is the initiator of this touch, I raised my head sharply, meeting with a slightly smiling boy.

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