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I was sitting in the library and browsing the internet for study offers tendered by foreign universities. I didn't know exactly how Mark's vision associated with this trip looks like. I wasn't able to look for something I had no idea about. Minhyung himself couldn't help me because my eavesdropping would come to light.

However, the idea and everything he said made some kind of sense. Working in a cafe, bar or club until the end of my life was not the peak of dreams, although I wasn't able to determine the shape of these dreams. Subconsciously, I felt, despite everything, that there was nothing around me that I was looking for. Korea simply didn't associate me too well and that was the main problem. I have met with a lot of bad things here and I would be grateful for the opportunity to cut myself off from them. Even if my childhood was happy, the entire teenage period was definitely not form this scope of emotions. Problems at school, at home, in my own head. I had to start doing something with myself. I couldn't be Minhyung's sugar baby forever, though the boy could and would like to be my sugar daddy. This arrangement didn't look fair.

"What are you poring over?" I heard Frank's voice first and then saw him when he sat beside me.

"I'm looking at different schools' offers," I sighed heavily because for the last hour I have not achieved anything at all. I still knew almost as much as before entering the library.

"What kind of schools?" He got interested, getting closer to the monitor. "States?" Was sincerely astonished. I nodded. "Why are you so hot for it so suddenly?" He asked almost accusingly, which shocked me.

"Hmm... A friend made me realize that this possibility even exists. I thought it'll be a shame not to take into consideration such an opportunity, "I said cautiously, discreetly retracting the chair to escape Frank's excessive intimacy. "Escape from Ansan" I added quickly when I noticed that my action didn't go unnoticed to the man's attention. Inaldi smiled sourly under his breath.

"Mark Lee friend?" He suggested with a sneer and I looked down at the keyboard.

"Sort of..." I murmured, glancing at the photo of The State University of New Jersey. There was silence between us for a long time.

For some time I suspected that he could guess everything. After all our unfortunate meeting in three people after Minhyung classes, the atmosphere in our relation has undergone significant changes. However, I avoided this topic during classes in the music room and tried to ignore the verbal taunts of the teacher that could lead him to anything. I just had to accept that he knows it all. As long as he didn't do anything about it, I pretended that the subject did not exist.

"May I have a request for you?" He finally asked. I bit my lower lip gently, turning to face the man. I nodded head to confirm. Frank sighed heavily, making a sore face. It never heralded anything good. "Don't strike me out so completely, Donghyuck," he whispered and I gave him a pleading look. I never wanted this conversation between us ever to take place. Frank, however, did not wait for my answer. He only started to push further, worsening the whole situation. "I know you're with him, okay? I also know that at the moment I have no chance. Mark... "he began but lost his thought halfway. Man pulled eyebrows as if he was trying to catch up with it but all in all seemed to change his mind. "Even if I sound miserable at this point, I don't want to just give up like that right away, you understand?" He asked with a ferocious determination in his eyes. For a moment I did not answer him, looking for the inner remnants of assertiveness. It was not an easy task for me as a person who had never had a similar dilemma before.

"And I don't want to give you any hope, Frank," I finally whispered after a few seconds that seemed to be eternal. "That would be the worst thing I can do,"  said with more determination in  voice but still somehow adequately quiet. Despite everything, we were in the library. "Let you wait, although I know perfectly well that it doesn't make sense," I added at the end, noticing that it was hard for him to digest my decision.

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