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"I think that Minhyung guessed that I am hiding something from him," I said to Jeno, as we left the class.

"How on earth?" He wondered, staring at me in amazement.

"I was with him a few days ago in these terrible heat. It was really hot and he wanted to take off my shirt, " I sighed in embarrassment, still remembering this terrible situation. In a long time nothing ashamed me more than my recent attitude. "I was... so scared because he did it so suddenly that I didn't have a prepared answer. I made an unnecessary scene like an emotionally disturbed teenager. "

"Will you tell him?" Jeno thought aloud. It behoves. In the end, I could not keep my past forever like some dreaded secret. At the moment, however, I didn't have the strength to do it by myself.

"No. For the time being" I shrugged.

"You know you'll have to."

"I know ..." muttered reluctantly under my breath.

"Who knows what will happen during the weekend," he laughed suddenly, walking proudly like a peacock with his hands in his trouser pockets. I drew my eyebrows.

"What is supposed to happen?" I asked.

"He'll probably want to hook you up." I almost choked when I heard those words. How... What... Hook me up? We have been together less than a month. He can't take me so fast to his bed. Because he can't, right?

"What?" I finally let out.

"You know ..." he shrugged. "He's an adult, he has his own house, he invites you inside for a night or two... It was clear to me right from the beginning."

"And how he'll be able to do this if I don't know anything about it, genius?," I sighed heavily. This talk was a complete nonsense.

"Have you been hiding in the jungle for whole your life?" Jeno made big eyes. I gave him a slightly frightened look.

"I was never interested in this ..." I muttered indistinctly.

"How is that even possible?" He asked, wincing. He couldn't understand. I didn't really know how it all was working out. I just had other priorities. In the absence of Minhyung, it was only once that I thought that someone else can take his place in my heart. But he also disappeared. Apparently, there was a strange curse on me.

"I don't know," I shrugged. "I was waiting for him to come back."

"Well, he came back," Jeno replied firmly, as if it was the equivalent of getting into Minhyung's bed. So far I did not plan anything like that.

"I don't think I'm ready for anything of this kind," I said firmly. "Until now, we even haven't kissed yet," I whispered, and Jeno stopped.

"Seriously?" He asked, looking at me in disbelief.

"Well, I would tell you right away if he kissed me," I sighed heavily.

"He's so slow...," the boy laughed under his breath and shook his head in amazement. I thought otherwise.

"He can kiss me. Kissing is all right but sex is definitely not what I want from him right now," I said straightaway. Jeno ducked the issue, ignoring my statement. These were probably too serious topics for the two of us. As we were walking in silence, Koeun ran to us. She caught me lightly by hand.

"What are you talking about?" She asked, looking at our calm faces.

"Actually, nothing special."

"Mark didn't kiss Donghyuck yet," Jeno suddenly burst out, not even thinking about whether I wished that information to come out beyond us. I sent him a daggering glance.

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