The boy, THOMAS

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Thomas ran laps around the field he's played in most of his summer breaks. His feet hitting the dirt and the freeing feeling taking over every second. The main goal was to outrun his busy thoughts, but he was only doing that to avoid the people that annoyed him the most, his parents.

That was a big day for him, the first step to becoming what he always wanted to be. But he couldn't stand the sight of the people whose genetic he got from. He hated his parents, you see. They weren't abusive or neglected him, they just didn't care, and it was what made him hate those two.

For as long as he could remember Thomas wanted to be the best football player in the world. To most boys it was a game, a way to pass the time or to make friends, to him it was everything, it was an obsession and everyone knew it. His parents more than anyone.

The first moment Thomas' parents realized he had a talent with the ball they decided to exploit it. They turned their child's passion into their business, putting the boy to play in tv programs, sending him to tournaments. He abominated all of that.

He had thought of quitting it many times during the years so they'd be left lost with their miserable lives, but he wanted it more than anything. So he played along, let them pay for his tutors, played in the clubs they found, he was getting by. Enjoying the chances he's got. Until he was old enough to make it stop and focus on his game.

When Thomas was only a 16-years-old he was invited to try out for the biggest club in the nation, Unity Football Club, the most popular, rich and the team with the biggest number of victories in the country's history.

That's what he had trained for all his life, and yet he refused.

He was in a two year relationship that seemed to be the most important thing for him at the time of the invitation, to his surprise and wake up call the relationship didn't end how he expected, when he didn't expect it to end at all, making him regret his choices for the two years that followed the decision. But somehow the Unity F.C invited him once more, and this time he accepted without even thinking. The boy wasn't really surprised when the second invitation arrived, he had worked harder than ever before.

Unity were the best, the oldest and more popular team in the country, and even though its last 5 years were forgettable in all leagues, they were the best choice for Thomas, the best place to play.

The tryouts season was a tradition all over Buffalo Island, the big clubs from the three islands called up the professional soccer players wannabe, where they would be trying out for numbered spots in the team's lineup for a whole championship. Great opportunities to catch the eyes of a big agent, to be selected by a different club or to just be in the spotlight for a few minutes.

All pro teams did the selections, but Unity's was different. A big event, broadcasted and commented by everyone. The whole island's football lovers stopped to watch.

30 young boys from all over the nation put together to share a house for a whole season. The media covered everything, from the selections to the training and finally the big finale where 5 of 30 boys would integrate the so desired line up of the biggest football club.

The boys were expected to please the fans and the big bosses, go to events, charities, commercials, and interviews.

Thomas would be leaving for the tryouts' house in less than an hour. He was nervous. But more than nervous he was eager to prove to the world he was the best. He knew that fact already, but he'd met people doubting him, that encouraged the boy to shut them.

"You sound awfully quiet." Said Thomas' grandfather. Thomas stalled in the backseat of his grandparent's car, his parents were talking outside of the vehicle and retrieving his luggage from the trunk. His grandmother was seated by his side and humming a song without a care in the world. The two elderly were his favorite people; two white haired old people, with wrinkles showing how much they've lived and full of smiles. He loved how honest they were, how brave and silly they could be, but he liked his grandmother the most because she hated football with all her old lady strength, he knew it was weird, but it meant that she only went to his matches, cleaned his jerseys and drove him to games because she loved him, nothing more than pure unconditional love.

"I thought you wanted to go kiddo..." she said looking out of her window to the people walking around the airport.

"I don't want to talk about football with you when I'm leaving for a few months, grandma," Thomas said turning to face her, the sport was the only topic he debated with his parents and teammates, during family gathering he only opened his mouth to talk about it, ignoring any stupid questions his relatives would make. The only people he could talk about everything were inside that car with him. "what are you gonna do alone with the two of them? They will come back... Are you guys going to be ok?"

"Silly creature, We've dealt with your father's stupidity his whole life, We sure can handle him while you become famous."

Thomas knew she was right. If he had accepted the first offer when he was 16 he'd be playing for Unity already, with no doubt. He still remembered how nervous he was when he sent the email refusing the opportunity; hands shaking and heart-pounding, but a big proud smile on his face, he knew in his guts he would get another shot, that was the plan after all, to enjoy his relationship until he was eighteen, until he was ready to leave, then he would ask for a second chance and would try out, he knew he would be selected and therefore be in the list of professionals and still be in a happy relationship. But life always has better plans, and in this one, she decided to kick him right in the face.
"I'm gonna miss you..." he said as he opened the door. Without saying anything else he got out.

"Make some friends," she said hopefully.

"What for?" He asked sighting. "We've already talked about it, I'm not going there to make friends, I'm going there to be the best player that this country has ever seen, and I cannot accomplish that if I'm befriending mediocre people".

That was a topic that he avoided at all costs, and yet his grandmother was very fond of bringing up.

Ever since his relationship ended, out of nowhere, couple of years later Thomas closed himself from any kind of human relationship outside his family, his schoolmates were only that, his so teammates were only people with a mutual desire. He didn't go out, make out or even thought about it, people bored him, and he hated being bored.

He caught his belongings and started for the building, his mother talked nonstop and he only nodded and walked, his father's adding advice not asked or wanted and when they got to his gate he turned to send them both away, none of them expected a warm reply and they didn't try to fake it.

"Don't forget, son, the temptation is going to be everywhere." said his father.

"Your father's right. We've all seen silly boys losing their minds the moment they are thrown into all that luxury and..."

"I'm not a silly boy, mother, I'm not going there to be living among the riches, you know that, you'd be amazed if I even cared about the money..." The boy replied angrily. She opened her mouth to reply but he cut her off "take care of them, while I'm gone, I'm coming back for the holidays I think... I'll keep in touch. That's all I have to say to you two."

That was it, he'd be on his own as soon as their plane landed, he already was ready for his future and could feel, the hair of his body sparkle energy while his muscles anticipated some action

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That was it, he'd be on his own as soon as their plane landed, he already was ready for his future and could feel, the hair of his body sparkle energy while his muscles anticipated some action.

Thomas was ready.

Thanks for reading. I have such an enormous love for this story I've been writing. If you like pls vote and comment to give me advice and tell me if you liked it! Enjoy this journey.

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