Thomas is drunk kissed!

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Thomas woke up with his phone vibrating under his pillow. The boy took the device feeling confused, it was 3 something in the morning and he didn't recognize the number; the other boys had been asked to stay in again after the game and second win of the season, so Thomas left the room to not wake them up.
"Hello?" Asked the boy answering the phone. He could hear loud music in the background and after a few seconds the caller spoke.
"Hey invalid boy..." Thomas closed his eyes and almost hang up. He knew that voice. "It's Teddy Vizanno..."
"Why are you calling me? How do you have my number?" Asked Thomas irritated.
"Lucas... I'm calling you...." The man's answers came slowly and he thought a lot before speaking, he was drunk. "I need you... I lost my wallet... I have to go home... Can you pick me up?" Asked Vizanno and Thomas frowned, even though the other man couldn't see him.
"Call someone else..." Said Thomas and he heard the man get upset.
"I can't... If Lucas knows Isabela'll know and she'll give me the speech...I can't call the oth...ers try... They respect me, you don't, so please...." Thomas rolled his eyes.
During the past few hours the sport shows talked about how Fred meant to hurt him, they showed Vizanno pushing the man angrily, but when asked about the incident Vizanno said he was sure Fred didn't mean to hurt a tryout, that the players are expected to take care of the younger ones. Thomas didn't know if he could ever trust the man. But Vizanno was a public person, he represented his favorite team and they were both now being managed by the same person, Thomas needed to help him, even if he hated the idea.
"Where are you?" Asked Thomas after the man said a lot of nonsense. Vizanno told him the address of the club where he was and Thomas called an Uber.
The boy put on some clothes, left his crunch behind and leaped outside, trying his best to not touch his ankle brace on the floor, he needed to get better more than anything and fast. The Uber arrived and the boy tried not to zone out inside the vehicle.
When Thomas got to the club the bouncer looked at him like he knew the boy, but didn't know exactly where from. He didn't asked for Thomas' ID, the boy was only eighteen, but he didn't look like a kid anymore.
"I'm looking for a person..." Said Thomas and the bouncer stared at him blankly. "He is an asshole and very annoying." The boy said and the bouncer looked inside.
"We have one of those. A celebrity!" Thomas was relieved that Vizanno was still there. The boy got in and saw Vizanno having a very confusing conversation with a clerk.
"I'm not going to run... I have money, I just don't have it on me right now... Someone's coming get me... There he is! You see? I told ya' this kid is the best we've got in years...hurt boy tell this lady that I can go." Said Vizanno and Thomas looked at the woman.
"How much does he have to pay?" Asked the boy and the woman gave him Vizanno's bill and the boy grasped for air as he forgot how to breath. "What the hell? How is that even possible? He's only one person!" Thomas exclaimed.
"He asked for the best bottles and paid a round for all the people who said he was the best." The clerk explained and Thomas looked at the man, he had his arms folded on the wall and his eyes were closed, he had a smile on his face. Thomas got his credit card and gave the woman.
Most of the tryouts gave their payment for the season to their parents, some were wasting like crazy, Thomas didn't have anything to buy, so he saved his, but that bill was a little bit more than half of what they paid the boys, he waited her to finish and dragged the other player outside, it was by far the hardest thing he had ever done, leap with his good foot and help someone else to stay up to the curb where the Uber was waiting.
"Holy shit, it's Vizanno..."
"Where's my car?" Asked the man as he realized where he was.
"You can't drive, I don't know how to drive... Your address to the man please?" Said Thomas and Vizanno looked annoyed.
"My wallet is in my car, I need..."
"You said you lost it!"
"I did... Inside my car, whatever... Just go to West Palm Trees..." Said the man falling to the window and zoning out instantaneously.
"Wow..." Said the player.
"He's a douche, don't idolize him like that." Said Thomas and the man laughed.
"You don't think that, you came to pick him up, he's dope! Let's get him back to his place." The driver turned to the street and they went to house complex Vizanno had said.
Thomas thought about the drivers words, but in fact he did think Vizanno was a douche, he had only left The House to go after him to avoid repercussions in the future. He couldn't let that become a routine, he couldn't focus on his game and babysit a grown up with a very successful career.
When the driver stopped Thomas shook Vizanno until he woke up very dizzy!
"What's your house? And the guard needs you to talk to him." Said The boy and Vizanno left the car.
"Hey Fabrizio" said the man and he hugged the guard, and the other man hugged him back with a big smile on his face.
"Again Mr. Vizanno? At least this time you didn't try to drive by yourself!" The guard explained that he would take from there.
"Thomas need to come see my place..." Said Vizanno and Thomas shook his head.
"Uber's here already, going to take advantage of that." Said the boy and the driver didn't get the cue and left as the boy expected.
"Come on, your leg's fucked, you won't need to wake up early like you do every Sunday to practice! Come on..." Thomas was going to deny when the driver spoke first.
"Go on mate, the ride's on me by the way, it isn't everyday I have stars in my car." Thomas left the car, a little relieve that he wouldn't have to pay for the second part of the ride, and very angry that he was getting himself in a uncomfortable situation.
The boy helped Fabrizio put the older player inside the security car and he shotgun to the house. The place was huge and very red. Golden handles and numbers, grass and shinny lights on the driveway. Fabrizio went away and Thomas got themselves inside.
"What do you reckon?" Asked Vizanno and Thomas nodded.
"Nice? This place is amazing! I made sure everything in here screamed expensive and good taste... " Thomas was leaping around as Vizanno stumbled around his house very closely.
"You owe me a lot of money." Said Thomas and the man laughed.
"I'll pay you... Those people are very stupid, I wanted to take my wallet, but they didn't believe me." Said Vizanno and Thomas leaned to a wall almost covered in a big mirror.
"I thought they gave passes for famous people, like the driver did."
"Oh, they do... but after a few times they stop, we... famous people alway...s ask for the best, they can't afford the lost opportunity of making us pay, so the courtesy ends... Let's say that I've been to that club before and they must still be trying... to recover the hole I made in their finances."
"You're horrible." Said Thomas. He looked to the rug for a second and when he looked up Vizanno was in front of him and half a second later the man's big hands copped Thomas' face and they were kissing, actually Vizanno was kissing as Thomas had big eyes open in surprise. He pushed the player back and stared at him.
"What the fuck?" He screamed! Thomas was smart, he observed people, he knew how to tell a few things, but he could had never seen that coming. "Why did you do that for?"
"I'm drunk..."
"That's no excuse! I have to go..." Thomas said and the man moved to block his way.
"It's late... Stay here and you go in the morn..." Thomas just pushed him and went for the door.
For a few years Thomas had controlled his teenager needs, he felt proud, he didn't looked for emotional attachment nor random hookups, he was focused. Vizanno kissing him wasn't good. Vizanno was tall, handsome and fit in every way possible, his muscles were big and his body lean, he had the practiced charm celebrities had and it all was a problem and distraction to the boy, now that he had touched those mainly sweet lips he couldn't stop thinking about that.
The boy was walking thoughtless for a long time that he didn't even noticed when he left the complex, let alone noticed the car approaching from behind, when it stopped next to him the boy looked surprised and saw Lucas.
"Are you insane? It's late as hell, get in." Said the man and Thomas did as he was told. He didn't say another word to his friend. "Teddy said you left his house, he said you'd be walking... He said you like to do that when you're feeling lost... Why are you feeling lost?" Asked Lucas.
"When I told my grandparents I was gay they were so happy, my grandma mainly, she didn't want me to become a cliche player. My grandpa said I was very brave. When I told my parents though, things went a little different, they said I was being silly and confused, they said I didn't know things because I was too young, I was 14, and when they realized I wasn't going to change my mind about knowing who I am they said I could never tell anyone. They agreed on that, right in front of me, they decided I couldn't tell people the truth. I hate them Lucas... I hate them..." Said Thomas.
"Did you tell Vizanno and he said the same thing?" Asked Lucas?
"Oh, no, he just reminds of someone from the same era I decided to come out. And I hate to remember that. Can we not speak anymore, please?" Lucas nodded an Thomas just closed his eyes! He couldn't think straight.

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