Thomas has sex, Thomas has a nervous breakdown.

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The rest of the party was a blur, Thomas just wanted to go back to The House, sleep and be able to practice in the following morning.
As soon as the boys got to their place Thomas phone buzzed. The boy was ready to ignore either Lucas or Sky, since his grandparents would be sleeping and Tim was with him, nobody else would be texting him so late, but to his surprise it was Vizanno.
~ I have to explain some stuff, can you come over? ~
Thomas sighted and pocketed his phone again and was heading to entrance when he remembered his talk with Sir earlier that day. 'Whatever happened... It's in the past.." The boy stopped and turned heading down the driveway.
"Where are you going?" Asked Marcus and Thomas turned.
"I have something to do..."
"Booty call huh? Been there! See you tomorrow." Said Marcus and Thomas didn't want to think about the comment, he needed to keep his wisdom away from the surface, otherwise he wouldn't get past the gate.

Vizanno opened the door, he wasn't smiling, which he liked to do to piss Thomas off. But even serious he had that perfect face of his, dark eyebrows, dark hair, Facil hair growing. His black sport shirt tight to his body and his practice shorts showing too much of his muscular legs, no hair there. The boy checked it out, without trying to hide what he was doing.
"I didn't think you'd come..." Thomas passed through him, he made sure to touch the man slightly, the small contact made the boy's heart beat faster, Vizanno's shirt was a little damp, like he'd been working out, and he had sweat running down his neck into his shirt; Thomas smiled and observed the expensiveness of the room. " I think you might be thinking wrong things about me..." Thomas turned to face Vizanno, he was really trying to explain why he had kissed the boy and hinted that they could do things together. The boy smiled and saw how nervous the man got. Thomas liked power, liked that people saw him as threat and wanted to be on his good side. "The thing is... Alcohol... It's a crazy thing and if you believe me, sometimes I even forget things..." Thomas started walking towards him, slowly, every step closer to his goal, heart pounding, mind numb, the man didn't noticed that he was the destination, the boy felt like a predator heading for the kill, the prey distracted, thinking it is protected by whatever nature had given them to avoid being killed.
"So, I just want to make sure you understand..." A couple of feet away, Vizanno looked up and Thomas realized he wasn't really paying attention to the man. The other's body heat was magnetic.
"What?" He asked smiling, the man sucked a breath and before he could answer Thomas moved and touched the other's neck, he could feel Vizanno's heartbeat, the man was nervous sweating and it was hot, the man's veins were tense, they were alive. "What do you want me to understand?" Asked Thomas.
"I'm... I'm... Not..." Started the man, the boy moved his hands down touching the man's toned pecks, the boy got closer and they were now touching in more parts than could be called innocent. Their crotches touching each other's bodies in different parts, Thomas hand on Teddy Vizanno and the fire spreading.
"What?" Thomas tempted again, this time Vizanno was the one to move, he put his arms around Thomas and pinned the boy against a wall, he kissed the younger one with eagerness, with desire and Thomas did the same with even more ferocity. They were two hunger animal that were allowed to feed after caging themselves for too long.
Thomas grabbed the man's ass with one hand and he could feel Vizanno's interest down there with the other!
Vizanno's hand traveled from Thomas' neck to his butt then his chest and grabbed the back of the boy's neck, he was getting familiar with Thomas' body slowly! He was kissing the boy's jawline and going for the neck when Thomas softly pushed him and Vizanno's went still, he only relaxed when he saw that Thomas' expressions were yet the same.
The boy got hold of the bottom of the man's shirt and started to pull it out, slowly, taking every single detail of Vizanno's body, the taller man were muscular and ripped, had muscles that Thomas didn't even knew existed, so the boy smiled and ripped the shirt off and started kissing the other's torso, taking time with the nipples, grabbing and scratching skin as he felt like he was losing control of his weak body!  Vizanno moaned, Thomas moaned.
They finished undressing and went upstairs kissing, touching, doing everything their bodies asked them to. 

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