Thomas meets Caca.

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The players barely looked at Thomas anymore. The boy didn't know if they were not ready to see the boy explode again or were treating him like he wasn't worth it of their attention, he believed the latter was more probable but Freddy still sent killer looks at the boy.

Thomas was feeling a little overwhelmed with his teammates, they still didn't talk like best friends, but they decided to be loyal to the boy that always took their sides, Thomas wasn't friendly but he was protective of his own.

The lack of drama being ignored by the players made the boy focus on his skills and only that, his passes were way more precise than when he joined the team. Recruiters were making pitches to Isabella, the boy asked during one meeting to let all the options available, he felt the gaze of the other two players that were with him at the meeting, but he didn't acknowledged them, he didn't plan to leave the team, but if he had to he wanted to be able to keep doing what he loved and rising to the top.

During Friday practice Thomas felt that Sky was staring at him more than the usual. The employee had decided that she wanted him as best friend and there was nothing he could do about that. Thomas realized that it had become a pattern in his life, Lucas, Sky and even Tim decided the boy by their side and he just allowed them. When he had a break he crossed the green pitch towards her.

"Why are you staring at me?" He said. He was tired and sweating, the breeze from the air conditioning inside made him feel lazy.

"Don't flatter yourself... I was watching the training... you're getting better with your left foot and your precision..."

"You were staring at me." The boy said cutting her.

"I need you." She said making a lost puppy face. "I'm meeting Marcus family this weekend and I'd like you to come with me..." Thomas frowned and look back to where his teammate was childly throwing water at his friends.

"I thought you only saw him a couple of times..." Thomas said. "How..." somehow the young tryout convinced the woman to go on a date with him, Thomas didn't say anything when she asked since they were both adults, but she didn't tell the boy that they were getting more serious.

"We talk a lot, you just don't pay attention. I didn't want to say that things were getting serious to not jinx it." Said Sky,the girl looked and Thomas rolled his eyes.

"You guys should stop tip toeing around me... I'm not going to snap about everything." The boy got inside and she followed. "I think it's nice the two of you hanging out. It's a distraction to you, also to him, but I think he can manage it."

"Yes, nice, but are you coming with me?" The girl asked. Thomas looked at her indifference about his opinion.

"I'd be like the fifth wheel. His parents the two of you and me." Thomas Said.

"Poor you. You don't even care about these kind of stuff. And you can call Peter, heard he is looking for you." Said the woman and Thomas just stared at her blankly.
"I think he'll show up here looking for you." Sky completed and Thomas started blinking really quickly.

"I'll go with you. Alone. Now let's ignore this topic." He didn't look back when he walked away, but he felt the heavy stare before she followed him.

Marcus was nervous or he excited, Thomas didn't know exactly. Thomas had chosen a plain dark outfit when the other boy had tried three and decided to change all the time.

"It really looks like you're the one meeting her parents." Said Thomas to the other forward player.

"What? Oh, this happens everyone I'm going to meet her, I don't want to make her wonder her decision to go out with me." Marcus replied. Thomas found that interesting, but didn't stay on that thought for long.

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