Thomas' sentimental and sexual needs.

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The stadium was packed with people. Fans, press, crew, too many people walking around the corridors and places only the players and staff should be in.

Thomas was excited to see the show, but the sight of the field as a teenager ground for two hours didn't please him. He wanted to be somewhere quieter before he had to watch the concert.

As most of the of the crew were using the higher levels of the stadium, Thomas went for the lower ones looking for a restroom. He used the urinal and left, as he opened the door he saw Vizanno, the man was very surprised, preparing to open the door and not expecting to see the boy there. Their avoidance was keeping them civil, and away from each other, as Thomas was scared of what he might ended up felling for Peter, he didn't know what to do about the fact that the gorgeous man and him had sex.

Vizanno just stood there, prettified, his dark hair and eyebrows were perfect, his casual shirt tight, but the smell was what got to Thomas; Vizanno always carried a sweet smell with him, and the boy couldn't stop thinking about that sometimes.

The boy stepped out of the man's way allowing the other to get in, and instead of leaving he shut the door with him still inside. Vizanno noticed it, but played it cool.

"I hear you're a fan of the woman." Vizanno said without looking. "I know half of a song, but she is famous, can't have her on my bad side... She likes you, right? Always tweeting about you, during games." The man finished to pee, washed his hands and Thomas was observing him. "You're very quiet. Just like that night."

Thomas smiled, he was quiet, and Vizanno was nervous just as he was during the night they went to bed. He liked the feeling of control rising in him, he walked to Vizanno and this time they both reached each other.

Vizanno was hungry and Thomas was desperate. The men kissed, Thomas wanted to rip the man's shirt of and then scratch his whole torso. He wanted to make his mark there, he wanted to show what he could do. He was pulling Vizanno's hair, as it was longer than the boy's when The man stopped.

"This is dangerous." Said Vizanno.

"That's why I like it." Thomas replied surprising himself, his hands started to unbutton the man's pants. He was kissing Vizanno's neck as the man moaned low, one of Thomas' hands tracing the man's abs as the other worked around Teddy Vizanno's pelvis.

"I know you like it." Thomas said slowly and Vizanno got hold of Thomas arms, Lifted him and pressed the boy against one of the walls, he was licking Thomas jawline, but he stopped, he pressed his head against Thomas shoulder, they were breathless. He took a while before he stared into Thomas' eyes.

"Stop playing with me. We can't be caught together!" Said Vizanno and Thomas was confused for a few seconds. "If someone walks in on us... I'm screwed."

He desired him, he wanted Thomas. But he was scared, and yet he couldn't put a stop to what was happening, what they were doing at that moment, he needed Thomas to end it for him. Thomas licked his own lips and touched Vizanno's nose, he smiled and pushed the man backward slowly.

"Let's get back there!" Said the boy, he took a few minutes washing his face and waiting for his excitement to disappear, then he left. Smile on his face.

Bee was full of energy, dancing, singing, talking, making the crowd go wild. There was over 10 thousand people there, from the city and from abroad. The boy sang along to the songs, but he still resented the pitch being stepped over by a bunch of teenagers.

He was sending one of the videos he recorded to his grandma when he heard his name. He looked at the stage and payed attention to the chant of the crowd. They were screaming his first name. The boy looked for help, why on earth Bee would call him onto the stage, and where was the woman prepared to save him; he didn't but he walked at her direction and the crowd went insane as the boy made his appearance.

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