Sky didn't know Thomas's into male specimen

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"Aren't you going to say anything?" Asked Vizanno. He leaned on the wall and Thomas frowned his brows.
"I suspected you were a little bit retarded! But now I know for sure. You didn't ask me anything, so I don't really have anything to say..."
"I just accused you of being gay and you say nothing? That's weird."
Thomas dried his hands, went to the door and when he was close to the other man he said.
"You said you accused me, like being gay is a fucking crime, and I say nothing 'cuz my life is none of your business!"
"What if other people start to think like me?"
"Then I'm going to say the same thing. 'Is none of your business' now I think it's better if you sober up, you've humiliated this team enough today, we don't need more bad publicity!"
The boy left the restroom and headed for the exit, he needed to breath and the music and crowd started to suffocate him. He could feel the cold air just a few feet away when Sky showed up in front of him.
"Where have you been? I've been looking for you, you won't believe the people I met... Have you danced yet?"
Thomas just stared at her, she was happy, for being there, for being part of that life, she felt like she belonged, and she did, he felt like he didn't belong because he didn't.
"I need to go outside."
"Are you leaving me here alone? Hey, look at me, I've been giving you hints that I think you're attractive, and I thought you saw me the same way... But what the hell Thomas?"
He looked at her like she was alien, he processed the information and started to laugh.
"You're waiting for me to make a move on you..." More of an affirmation than a question. "Oh, God. I'm sorry Sky, you're amazing, but you just happen to not have the gender I'm interested in... I really need to go outside." Sky was still, she didn't even follow him with her eyes as he left the room. The boy went to the entrance and sat on the first step. The sky was full of stars, the air chilly and lots of people and press lingered on the sidewalk waiting for a glimpse of the celebrities.
"What the hell did you say to me inside? What was that?" Sky was back, and she went from big smile to confused mouth all the time.
"I said that you are not from the gender I like. Meaning that you are a girl and I have no interest, meaning I'm into dudes... But none of this BS matters 'cuz I ain't interested in relationships or anything like that."
"%*€#% Jesus Christ, you're gay... I never heard of a gay tryout before, and I've been working at Unity for a while now."
"Haven't you done your research? Unity's the first team to have two outed gay athletes playing at the same time... One of them came from the tryout cut." Said the boy looking at the stars, he felt the woman get closer.
"But both of them came out after they were already playing, one about to retire and the other had a very low public life, you're in the spotlight now, and you're a great player, I'm just surprised"
"The only thing I can offer Unity is my talent, what I like doesn't really matter, and as I said. Not looking for anything."
The two of them stayed quiet for a while, neither of them looking at each other. The girl thinking which of the many questions she had she'd make first, the boy imagining how hard would it be to find a cab in that neighborhood on that particular evening.
"You don't care who knows. Do you?"
"No. It's like I said Vizanno, it's none of their business..."
"Wait, what? Did you tell Vizanno you're gay?" The girl asked completely annoyed and surprised.
"No, he said I looked gay and what if other people thought the same, I said that to him. He is very unpleasant."
"You shouldn't trust him."
Said sky.
"I don't," said Thomas.
"This is mind-blowing, you know? A great tryout who happens to be gay and doesn't give a damn about it... Surreal."
"It's not like I'm the only one, I'm sure some of the other 29 are too, and without a doubt, the team had plenty during all those years, the difference is that they keep it as secret, afraid of the world and stuff. I know only one who was, he wasn't at the under 21 though, he was part of the under 18..."
"There's a story there. Tell me everything!" Sky practically jumped with excitement.
"Not today, I'm tired of here, I want to leave." He said the last bit as a permission from his date to leave and she was too excited to deny the boy some free time.
"I'm happy that you told me," she said.
"Yeah, well, I don't know why but I trust you. See you Monday Cloudy night." The girl laughed.
"That's not funny."
"Then stop laughing, gotta go, bye!" The boy left the building, covering his eyes as the photographers clicked their cameras trying to get his face, he didn't answer the questions shot in his direction. He walked a few blocks until he found a taxi.

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