Thomas is stuck.

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"I know you're angry, you're right, but he is not expecting anything from you, I know he's threatening the secret you think it's important to keep, but I am the one he's trying to hurt and get rid off, he doesn't want to expose you, but he will if he has to. He thinks Sir is leaving soon, and Sir said it's possible, he said you'll leave too... he's friends with Caca's husband, he might have heard something, I have the decision."

"I won't leave..."

"You see what Sir did as weakness, but the man wants to end his career at home, that's what I want too, that's why I want to stay, that's why I need Unity, this is my dream, my only dream. But you can't lose yours so I can have mine."

"I won't be the reason why you don't make the cut." Vizanno said.

"I don't want to. I want to stay, but..." he just couldn't voice out things easily. "We are seeing this as two options only, I do what he wants, and you'll shine somewhere else, and so will I, I deny it and I stay and shine, he doesn't get the recognition he wants and you keep your position here, with a little of bad publicity." Vizanno covered his eyes with his hands, Thomas cleared his throat. "Or you can come out on your own terms. People would see that in a better way than someone else doing it, you'd take his power from him and.."

"Thomas, I know you think you're this very proud gay boy, but nobody knows, you don't tell people, you say that people wouldn't mind but you're scared... I am terrified."

"I ain't scared of people knowing I'm gay, Vizanno, I don't want people asking me things that don't matter to them, I tell everybody who asks me, even some that doesn't, I am a soccer player and that's the only label I want people using, but I am also gay. Unity is the most supportive team, if you want I can also tell everybody with you..." Thomas said and Vizanno laughed.

"So what? We become the most talented gay couple in soccer history? I don't want to COME OUT! I will not do it, I'll find a way to shut that asshole up, I'll kill him if I have to."

Thomas didn't say anything, the man's denial was understandable, but the fact he didn't see that if they were both out and as a couple they wouldn't have to do everything hidden anymore, they wouldn't have to worry with what people would think, Thomas didn't want a relationship, but he got in one, and he liked spending time with Vizanno, but things weren't going to last long with all the sneaking around.

He wanted to leave the house, but he also needed to make sure Vizanno wouldn't get hurt, he didn't try to talk or touch the other man, he didn't even answered him when asked anything, he just stayed close, after Vizanno slept, Thomas took the risk of coming back to The House in the middle of the night. He didn't get caught, but he didn't feel good breaking the curfew.

When he laid down he thought he'd sleep right away, but he had had the worst day as a tryout, he thought that after his family was safe and at home he'd never have to worry so much about anything so negative ever again, he was wrong. He could see the cocky smile of Freddy, he could remember how tired he was when he told Sir everything, he would never forget Vizanno's anger and sadness. The conversations playing in his head, not allowing him to sleep, not making any sense either. He was stuck, he was failing.

First thing in the morning all of the tryouts were called in and watched a speech about sportsmanship, more importantly inside their own teams, they should be a united force, that was the legacy of Unity and if they wanted to be part of the team they'd have to learn that or their career would br short.

Thomas thought throughout the whole thing that they were saying that specially to him, he felt self conscious and under the scrutiny of the coach. He even thought that his career would be inexistent, at Unity , at least, he shook the thought away and was feeling guilty when the man let them go back to the field.

"I thought it was a lie, you know." Tim said as a matte of fact, Thomas just stared back at him.

"You haven't seen? The boys were talking about it on the group, I forgot you never look at your phone. Vizanno and Freddy were brawling at each other. Seems like it was serious." Thomas didn't say anything, he kept walking and looked at the players field, he didn't see either of the players, he tried not to look since he started his training, apparently it had happened before the tryout boys started their training.

Trying very hard to focus, Thomas resumed his training with his group, even though he was still doing great everybody noticed that he wasn't being his best. The boy's teammates called his attention back to what they were doing countless times and every time he he cursed himself.

Thomas felt a relief he never felt before when they were free to their lunch break. He rushed off the field and barely entered the training center when Sky cornered him.

"What's happening?" Thomas puzzled face made the young woman angry. "I've been texting you, you've been ignoring me. More than the usual amount you always ignore." Thomas tried to think of what to say, but he didn't have much time to think. "What's happening?"

"Sky, I can't tell you, I mean, I can, but I won't, it's something very screwed up and I don't you or anyone else involved." Thomas thought if it was all, pleased with his answer he sat ted to walk again. He knew she was following him, but she didn't say anything.

Thomas had ditched the idea of friends in the past, but now he felt how it was important. The boy was lost like never before, he didn't tell Sky what was happening, but the woman knew he needed someone, she was there for him, without saying anything or knowing anything. He felt his heart ache. He couldn't lose that.

Knowing how important it was to keep his performance the boy put food on his plate and watched silently as Sky traded places with Lucas and Tim. Lucas didn't ask anything, só Tim probably had said something, Thomas focused on his food and was happy when Tim left.

"Is it anything about you and you know who?" Lucas asked and Thomas only nodded. "Why was he trying to break Freddy's jaw? Are you and Freddy...?" Thomas didn't answer, just stared at Lucas that understood it was a stupid idea. "I know you're not feeling like talking about right now, but as soon as you feel like it, I'll listen." The man resumed his eating and Thomas continued staring.

"Thank you." Thomas said.

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