Thomas S. Fitz is moody #af

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Thomas arrived at the hotel, he was hoping they would take him straight to The House, the mansion where the tryouts stayed, and he didn't like to have to be at a hotel right after being on a plane for a few hours. He lived in the city where the club was located, but he decided to stay with his grandparents before leaving, and they lived in another one of the three main islands of their country. His parents flew with him, but the team's van was waiting for him and he didn't mind to part ways with the other two.

The hotel was one of the most expensive ones in the city. Golden statues and shiny letters at the entrance. Staff dressed perfectly and they didnt even look at you when you passed them. Soft music playinv and rich looking guests.

Thomas was taken to a big event room full of chairs, some other young boys were there already, sitting at random chairs around the room. "Welcome!" Said a young woman smiling from ear to ear, she stood right in front of him. Thomas looked at her unimpressed, how could someone be so happy? He couldn't understand, maybe she was new that world. "Can I take your name please?"

"Thomas S. Fitz," he said, barely looking at her.

"The full name please..." She insisted and  Thomas looked at her face really annoyed and she kept smiling, he wished he could pass by her without answering anymore, but it clearly was necessary. "Thomas Samuel Fitz" he waited expecting more questions, but she was only smiling.

"That's all for now, later today you are going to sign some documents, keep your id at hand... Thank you"

Thomas rolled his eyes, expecting her to see that he didn't like her happiness, then he scanned the room better. 10 boys were there already counting him, only 20 more to come. The boys around the room looked excited and scared, Thomas was afraid he looked the same way.

He went to the first row of chairs and sat. If they were going to call people by order or arrival or sitting he would be one the first if they went by the name he only expected they would call by the last name since Thomas would be one of the last.

The boys kept arriving during the afternoon, Thomas was exhausted and looking at the new arrivals was the only way to pass time, but the tryouts were taking too long and Thomas started to zone out.

When the last one entered the room the tryout team's coach stepped on stage wearing Unity's training outfit. Talking loudly to catch everyone's attention the boys were definitely awake now.

The history of the team's tryout was told, big names that started their careers with them were said proudly and Thomas was feeling numb. He was sure every single young man there knew those facts and information, it was a waste of their time.

The coach seemed pretty motived to talk about things people could find on Wikipedia, but after almost an hour he started talking new and interesting things. "You are moving to The House today, there are rules to follow. After all you are thirty young men living together for a long time, so you guys better behave" he scanned the audience and felt like he was looking at all of them in the eyes " there are six bedrooms with five beds each, your beds have been chosen already, so, unless your roommate allows you cannot take a different bed than the one designed to ya'. Breakfasts will be taken before practice at the training center, this way you ain't needing to get up too earlier than you gonna do already, and you ain't gonna get to use this as an excuse... Everyone is expected to be at the center at 09:00 a.m sharp, tryouts, crew, staff and the players. The vans will leave the house at 08:30 a.m so don't lose it or you gonna have to find your own transport to practice and it won't be easy." Thomas was ok with waking up early, he didn't like it, but he could follow a routine and these rules, but the other boys were worried, it looked like lots of them would be late on the first day. "All of you signed a contract saying we got you to tryouts for a position in our official lineup and also to play as our under 21 team, you got paid but we don't need to use you to play, so, if you don't follow our rules, if you're lazy at practice, if our sponsors hate you, we're gonna keep you on the bench until the contract ends and we can send you home, with your pride and career in a trash can." The talkative coach didn't have to explain to the boys what he meant.

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