Thomas and lucas hiatus?

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With the training taking most of his thoughts, the games being the highlights of his week, and the night outs with Vizanno being his living nightmare, Thomas didn't have much time to think about his conversation with Lucas. But two weeks later the talk was still playing in his head when he had to sleep or shower and his focus tended to go places he didn't control.

One of the reasons why he was still dwelling on the topic 14 days after was the fact that Lucas were no longer part of Thomas' daily life. During the first week the boy was too distracted to notice that the man was eating with some players and tryouts a few tables away and not with him, like he had done since he decided to be friends with Thomas, the boy only saw that as a weird thing when Tim didn't sit with him and for the first time in a long time, Thomas was having lunch by himself. He didn't like that he felt a little lonely, but he did.

During the second week Thomas started eating with Sir Elenon. The older player was very funny and could talk about anything, but his favorite topic was always soccer, anything about it could make the man speak for hours.

Sky didn't like that Thomas was feeling lonely and was following the boy around the center all the time, she was trying to make him comfortable so he wouldn't lose focus of what really mattered. 

During the weekly meetings with Isabella Thomas felt bored out of his mind and he declined all offers he's got, he watched the other two players flip through tons of offers and declining almost everything. The boy wanted to ask so many questions, but he just looked from Sir to Vizanno and the boy kept his cool.

On on evening Thomas realized that the Twitter icon on his phone had way more notifications than it did before. To his surprise his article for the teens magazine was about to be released, but they had given the fans a sneak peak of the interview. The boy couldn't hate it more, but the number of new followers and appreciation on the app was too big. He just thanked some people and logged out a few minutes later.

Things were different, in a way that the boy couldn't make sense of. Peter messaged him during his free time, creating conversation and making the boy's heart skip a beat every time his phone buzzed. The two young men met a couple of times, according to Peter they could use more of those friendly meetings, but to Thomas it was very distracting, he was training and he needed it.

There was still a long time to go until the 5 tryouts got selected, but every second was a patience, focus trial, and sometimes Thomas thought he was losing.

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