Thomas decides to be true to himself

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One week passed since Freddy talked to Thomas, the boy tried to focus on his training but he wasn't doing it very well. On the game during the weekend he wasn't part of the starting line up, he didn't even bother to argue.

Thomas wasn't sleeping well, he spent too much time thinking of ways to stop that madness, but he always circled back to the three options he had thought possible, one that he didn't want, the other one that neither Vizanno nor him desired to happen, and the one Vizanno wouldn't even consider.

The two players weren't having their best days, every time they tried to talk it ended up with Thomas shutting himself from all kinds of communication and the older man saying things he was probably going to regret. One of the main reasons of their arguments being the fact that Thomas had outed Teddy to Sir and didn't even thought of asking what the man thought.

Thomas was feeling angry most of the time and he felt like his future was being jeopardized by his overthinking and mundane feelings. Teddy Vizanno called him a hypocrite every time the boy tried to make the man come to terms with his sexuality, to the fact he liked both men and women and there was no big deal about it. Thomas didn't like being called a hypocrite.

The boy was drinking water by himself one afternoon when Marcus approached him. They greeted each other but Thomas didn't try to start a conversation. Marcus obviously wanted to.

"Do you like Sky?" Asked the other tryout and Thomas stared at him, trying not to choke with his water, what kind of question was that.

"Of course I like her, she's nice to me." Thomas replied and Marcus seemed a little angry with his answer.

"I mean romantically!" Thomas gasped and frowned his brow at his teammate.

"Are you crazy, of course not, man. Why would think that?"

"You're the only one she tried to befriend, and you guys spend a lot of time together, but since I've been going out with her you seem distant, I think it's because of me, but I need to make su..." Marcus started saying quickly, as if he had thought about all of that plenty of times before voicing the words.

"I don't like women. I like men. Therefore she's biologically not my thing." Marcus jaw dropped and the boy just stared blankly at Thomas.

The boy felt good with just letting everything clear and decided he need to tell everyone about him, he would regret the stupid questions people would make him from the moment he said he was gay, but he still needed to stop any doubts about his sexuality.

Thomas saw that Marcus was still processing the information, he decided to leave the boy alone and went to the field.

The boy waited until the boys were free to go to The House and didn't ride with his teammates, he called Caca and went to meet the man.

Caca was all smiles, talking about a million different things and being his true self, Thomas liked spending time with te man, he felt at easy. During his conversations with the older man he barely spoke, but Caca liked to talk a lot, so he didn't mind, he went from his honeymoon to his meeting with a pop singer on the previous day. Most of the time Thomas ignored what people were saying, but he paid attention to everything Caca was saying,

"So, what's up with you? Are you still kicking ball around the grass?" Thomas laughed and nodded, he told Caca how close they were to the ending the season.

"It's crazy, you know, I'll be a professional player in a couple of months, this is very cool." Caca smiled, he didn't like soccer but he seemed happy for the boy. "Caca, how do I come out in a simple way?"

The question got the man out of his guard and for the first time Caca didn't seem to know what to say. He looked at Thomas trying to make sense of the boy. Thomas started to think that maybe Caca didn't understand the question, but the man started to speak.

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