Thomas's lost and asks for help

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Getting close to people is scary when you are not used to doing it. Caring about people seems comforting and a good idea, it's good to look at some people and realize that you would do anything for them.

There was no feeling like being grateful for the good people you surround yourself with, but Thomas S. Fitz regretted ever letting anyone in, he cursed his stupidity for dropping down his guard and destroying all of his walls that protected his well being and feelings, now for that reckless decision he was dwelling on something his old self wouldn't even consider.

Thomas played his conversation with Freddy for the remaining of his break, the man didn't threatened the boy himself, if the man had tried to use his sexuality against him Thomas would probably laugh at the goalkeeper's face. The man went for Vizanno, he didn't mention Thomas being gay, he most likely didn't know.

Freddy was counting on Thomas being a good and caring friend, he wanted the boy to step back from the opportunity he always dreamed of, to help someone he cared, Thomas reaction showed that the boy knew about Vizanno preferences, it was a situation he had never been in.

When the boy was back on the field, before everyone else as usual, he wasn't focused, he couldn't stop thinking about that what was happening was what Vizanno always feared and tried to prevent, it didn't work. Thomas liked to think that if the man outed himself things wouldn't change, but as Freddy said, all the years that the player spent being a womanizer didn't help, it didn't matter that he was a great footballer, he was also a celebrity, and it would be his downfall.

The training was being done on autopilot. The coach and his teammates noticed and he didn't even care, everything was going perfect, that shouldn't be happening. Lucas caught up with the boy when they went on a break, the man brought him back to reality, but Thomas didn't say a word, he didn't trust his voice at the moment, and he couldn't lie.

Since Thomas had talked with Lucas about Vizanno being a problem to the boy's future at the club lots of things happened, Thomas didn't see how the older player would sabotage him, at the end Lucas was right, the difference is that Vizanno didn't do it on Purpose, he somehow made Thomas's future be unsure, but Thomas could make everything work, if only he ignored Freddy and let the player do what he wanted to Vizanno. Thomas could have a career elsewhere or destroy Vizanno's.

The boy was still trapped in his head when they ended the practice. He wanted to runaway, he wanted to talk to someone, but he didn't know what to think, it was eating him, slowly and effectively.

"Sir?" Called the boy when he saw the man, his shout made the tryouts come to a halt, he ignored them and headed to the older player, Sir just watched him, no expression on his face. "Can I talk to you?" The man nodded and the two of them went to meeting room they met Isabella.

"What's going on? You seem off today, kid." Thomas nodded.

"Freddy thinks you are going to retire soon, he thinks Vizanno will leave the team because he's going to get an offer he won't refuse. And after both of you are gone he thinks he'll be the best player in the team and will get all the praise. But there's only one threat to his delusional dream." Thomas said, Sir didn't show any reaction, he only observed. "He thinks I'll get the praise from him, if I make the cut he thinks he won't be as noticed as he should.  I know this is crazy because there's no way you're retiring and Vizanno is leaving, but he is convinced that it's possible, he doesn't want me here and is threatening Vizanno's reputation to make me leave." Sir shifted his weight and nodded.

"I might be retiring soon, Thomas." Said the man, he looked at the boy's surprise. "It can be next year or in two years, but it's going to be soon... Vizanno obviously loves this team, but you know that we players always want improvement, if the opportunity is interesting then it's possible that he will accept, I did." Thomas chocked, he couldn't believe that Freddy's threats had fundament, the man wasn't that crazy, it made things worse to Thomas. "How is he threatening Vizanno? And why would that bother you to the point where you are almost going crazy?" Sir asked and Thomas held his breath. He looked at the wall.

"He is going to tell everybody Vizanno had a thing with a former tryout." For the first time since the boy joined the club he saw Sir look surprise and confused, he searched for words but found none. He shook his head as he tried to understand, then the man laughed.

"It can't be possible. The man is collecting more exes than I don't even know, he's dated everybody." Said Sir.

"It's true." Thomas said, sir's jaw dropped. "Freddy knows I'm friends with you, Lucas and Vizanno, he thinks I care for you too much, and your careers to the point where I leave Unity and it will not affect you three." Sir slowly understood what was happening.

"He is blackmailing you... you gotta report him. You can't compromise your spot here, and I didn't know you were that close of a friend to Vizanno..."

"We've been seeing each other. That's why. Freddy doesn't know that part though." Sir started to cough, he stared at the boy.

"You two? That's... what's happening... I wouldn't dream of that like ever... so, you care for him, and Freddy is threatening him, if he doesn't know about you, why did he come for you? Does he honestly think you'd give up your future for just a new friend?"

"Apparently he does." Thomas said. "What do I do, Sir?"

"What did Vizanno say?" Asked the older man and Thomas didn't reply. "Does he know? You didn't tell him yet? When did Freddy told you that?"

"Today. I don't know what to do. Lucas would confront Freddy, and would tell Vizanno right away, he would lose it... I'm lost."

"You gotta tell him. He needs to know Freddy isn't trustworthy and that he is using the man's future to harm you because he is insecure. Listen to me, Thomas. This team needs you, you deserve to be here more than any of the other tryouts, it's not a matter of background, or talent, it's dedication, hard work, focus and mindset, this team needs some things to change to get where it needs to go, you're going to do that. Don't let Freddy get to your head. Talk to Vizanno but have what I just said in mind. We need you and you deserve to be here."

Thomas nodded, he didn't want to leave, he shouldn't be thinking that was an option, but he did feel weird about the whole thing. Sir waited with him for a few more minutes before Thomas decided they should go.

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