The debute day!

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Thomas slept, he forced himself to count number slowly until he was no longer awake. Thomas ate breakfast, he knew how important it was that he felt good that day, Thomas waited, for hours for his teammates to wake and get ready. And 2 hours before the game they went to the stadium.

The thirty tryouts didn't go to the locker rooms right away, they went to the field, they felt the grass and the couch made them feel familiar with the place, Thomas loved every single second of that!

Two of the boys wore chosen to talk to the press, they'd be the first two of the lot to talk to the press officially and that always caused an impression, and after the game two other would be chosen to talk about the game, and hopefully it would be Thomas and he be celebrating their first game.
The boys waited until the adversary team arrived and then they went to their changing rooms. The tryouts changing room was big, to accommodate all the young athletes, in all of the players space/locker they could find a full uniform for the match in front of a big poster of the boys, they had never seen that before and they wore all impressed, they wore excited.
Thomas went to his spot, his poster face was serious, he was looking at the sky and his arms were crossed, he looked like a pro, he felt like one, he was about to show that he was ready to be. He looked to his jersey and instantly felt that something was off! They other team's colors were similar to Unity's, and the jersey in front of the boy looked a lot like the one the other team used to play in away games. He looked around and he noticed he was the only one holding the uniform in that color.

"What the hell?" He asked himself, he looked for the right set, but there was nothing there. Some of the boys were already changed and Thomas heart started to beat to fast and his breathing went crazy, he was panicking!
He left his things and ran out of the room, he only stopped when he found his coach!

"Someone left the wrong set of uniform for me." He said, the coach looked at him like it didn't make sense, which it didn't, and waited for the boy to elaborate. "I have the away set, not the home one, I need the home one, who would mistake them?"

"Nobody." Said the coach. "We haven't received the away uniforms yet, so I think you've made a mistake Mr." Thomas felt dizzy and confused, he put his hand to his forehead and leaned on the wall.

"Coach, I didn't commit a mistake, my uniform is not there..." The coach started walking towards the changing room and the boy followed the man, he realized that it could be a prank, and the moment he got to the room everybody would be laughing, he calmed himself, but nobody even was looking at the door when the two showed up. Some of the players looked confused for seeing Thomas in his normal clothes, the coach approached the boys locker and he stopped there without saying a thing.

"It can't be." He said and Thomas knew he was done for that match.

"What's going on?" Asked Tim, his gray uniform was plain, but the green parts wore shinning!

"My uniform is wrong!" He said, rather too loudly and angry! The coach got closer.

"I'll check out what happened to your uniform and as soon as I get an answer I'll tell you... In the meantime you boys get ready, you up for warm up in fifteen minutes..."

"What about me?" Thomas asked, the coach looked like the boy was making unnecessary drama, which he wasn't. "I'm starting in this game, I can't play in the away jersey."

"Maybe you could borrow one of the bench guys..."

"I can't play with someone's jersey either Tim... I ain't playing, am I?" Thomas realized what had happened and coach shook his head.

"I'm sorry son, and you can't be at the bench without your uniform..." Thomas didn't listen to the rest. He was the only one that was good and trained harder to get better, he had discipline and was focused, the only one who had woke up before 7:30 so he would be on time, and yet, he was the one who wouldn't even be allowed in the field. He could feel his mind going crazy and wanted to cry, but he nodded, and watched in slow motion as his teammates finished getting ready and leaving, he stayed in the same spot.

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