Thomas has THE talks

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On Monday morning more speeches for the tryouts. The main players also got their speech, a long monologue about everything they've had done wrong on the field. Which was a lot.

Thomas wanted to find Vizanno and drag him somewhere alone and quiet, but people seemed overly excited about the player in that particular morning so the boy had to wait.

During lunch Sir was quiet, he talked to his children as he always did and then the two of lonely eaters ate in silence. The player was annoyed and Thomas knew why; during the match on the day before the man had lost lots of opportunities to score for the simple fact that Vizanno didn't pass the ball to him, the only time the ball went his way coming from Vizanno was when the man clearly aimed at another player and Sir got the ball first, but lost the challenge and that left him frustrated.

"Have you talked to him yet?" Asked Sir and Thomas shook his head. "I don't even think you should, that dumb head is going to destroy my whole reputation and I'm allowing him..."

"I'll talk to him." Thomas said. "He'll listen." Sir looked at him curious, but he needed that, so he didn't questioned the boy.

Thomas went to cafeteria, passed through Vizanno, keeping eye contact, telling with no words where he was going and that the player should follow him.

The boy wondered if someone would ever notice that scheme of them, it wasn't an original move, but it was working so far. He got to the restroom, checked the stalls and waited. Vizanno got in a couple of minutes later, he was confused, but smiling, Thomas was not.

"So? What's going on?" Asked the man stopping a few inches away from Thomas. The boy took in the man's scent, let it intoxicate his being and waited for the effect to leave, while watching Vizanno's face. The confusion growing into impatience.

"You need to stop being childish and start playing like a professional." Said the boy and Vizanno narrowed his eyes trying to understand.

"Did I miss something? What are you talking about? Is it about going club every weekend again?... Look.."

"Since Sir came back the two of you haven't played well together. He tries, but for some reason you don't play as a teammate when it comes to him." Thomas said. Vizanno took a few steps back and turned his back to te boy.

"That's very hypocritical coming from you... You don't even accept the concept of friends when I refer to your teammates..."

"The difference is that when I put my cleats on and step onto the field it changes, I don't care who they are, where are they from or what have they done... I need to trust and count on them to succeed, I love them when I am on the field. You need to stop." Said Thomas and Vizanno laughed.

"I don't sabotage Sir. I play professionally with him, like I do with everyone else." The man said, a smile growing on his face.

"Bullshit, you never, literally never pass the ball to him, you don't cross, you don't communicate, you ignore him, some people commented on that a couple of time, but everybody seems oblivious to the fact that you two don't even speak to each other. I am asking you, this team is where I want to play in a few months, if you destroy everything because of some stupid shit I will kill you. You gotta think for the team, that's why we aren't winning Vizanno." The man looked at Thomas and rolled his eyes.

He went for the door but didn't leave, he leaned on it and stared at the boy, eyes as sharp as a cat's.

"I'll fix my attitude on this infamous accusation, but you gotta do something for me too. Something As hard to you as it will be for me." Said Vizanno.

"Do you ever do things for free? What do you want?" Thomas asked, he didn't know what to expect, Vizanno was a little crazy.

"I'm thinking. And no, I don't things for free... What's the point, if someone wants something from me, and I want something from them we can trade..." The man replied.

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