Thomas is blackmailed.

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The crocodile tryouts fought every single game as if they were the last one, the most important and the only thing they cared about. Some boys already had talked to other clubs scouts and if they didn't make the cut they would sign their teams, they couldn't break their contract until the end of the tryout season, and every single tryout was playing to impress the world, nobody who would be chosen at the end, so everybody had hopes to get a spot.

The boys only lost one game, they were at the top of the ranking table, they trained hard and developed their skills like no other regular tryout before them. Thomas didn't approve their partying and lack of focus off the pitch, but on the table they were a strong force and the boy couldn't be prouder.

Thomas name was on everyone's mouth. His focus, talent and skills were surprising even the ones ready to point flaws, the boy still had a temper and didn't like to sit out during matches, but nobody had any doubt he was the third biggest discovery Unity had ever made.

The tryouts rotate and all of them debuted for the main team, it was a first time thing, all the remaining tryouts debuting had never happened before in any team. The tryout coach wasn't the best they could have, but he had the boy's best interest in mind at all times, making them develop everything they need to continue as players. Even though Thomas still felt like at the beginning he was being a horrible trainer now he saw how the team shaped for the best thanks to the man.

Marcus was the most liked tryout, people wanted him to be the captain of the team, but the coach always made the goalies wear the band.

Thomas pushed his friends and got involved in more arguments with the main players, he didn't mind upsetting the older ones, telling everything the professionals didn't like to listen about their poor performances every time they tried to come for one of his tryouts was bigger than him.

Thomas and Lucas friendship was very strong, the man's baby always wanted to be with the young tryout, Isabella tried her best to keep things professional, but she was always checking on the boy about little things not included on his contract. He got used to the Fraims, he loved them.

Everybody was at a communal moment on the field when one of the tryouts started boasting about a nutmeg he'd done on Vizanno, the player laughed and said it was such a small thing to gloat about, some of his teammates laughed, but everybody got quiet when Thomas started at him, Sir was in front of him in a minute and Lucas was heading him back to his spot. The tryouts knew the boy would fight for them, and he would, even over the players he liked.

A month after his father and grandfather's accident Thomas was pleased with his results and with his life. He was confident and didn't expect anything from anyone, he was proud of himself. The boy went to the pool during his lunch break, it was a habit now. He was on his third lap when he saw someone approaching. Vizanno used to join him every other week, the boy didn't mind, but he always tried to keep distante from the other , he didn't anyone walking in on them. The boy looked at the new arrival and to his surprise it was not Vizanno but Freddy, the goalkeeper.

Thomas observed as the man got into the swimming pool, he was wearing just his trunks, showing his beautiful torso and tattooed chest, long blond hair pulled back and a superior smirk on his face. Thomas ignored him after a few seconds and resumed his laps.

The boy didn't even finish the first one when Freddy blocked his path, the man obviously wanted to talk.

"What do you want?" Asked the younger player, the goalie looked at him, scrutinizing his being before saying.

"You like this team... and I know you're friend's with three out of the best ranked players on the roster. Sir, Vizanno, and Lucas, the only one who you haven't befriended yet it's me. I wonder why, but that's for a different moment. Tell me, kid, do you care about your friends careers?"

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