Thomas' grandparents want to meet Vizanno

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The final part of the trial was fast and demanding of the young players, they had to train every day with the main squad and keep it up with them.

The remaining tryouts faced the challenge with strength, but it was hard to continue when the main squad was faster and better than them. It made the boys remember about their first week of training when they almost died when they had to interact with the older athletes. The difference was that now they were smiling and trying harder.

Thomas was laying on a sofa during their lunch break and looking up for no reason, he wasn't thinking of anything until Lucas showed up and stared down at him with a funny expression on his face.

"What are you doing?" The man asked and Thomas sat on the couch.

"Nothin', why?"

"My wife is kind of annoyed that her very popular client isn't using his social media, no picture in weeks." Lucas said to the boy who pretended to be surprised.

"I guess I forgot, I don't even know where my phone is..."

Lucas started laughing and Thomas smiled "maybe you should look in your locker, and you should do it quickly because I can feel my phone buzzing and I'm pretty sure it's her." Thomas laughed and nodded as he put himself up and lingered a little longer by the couch.

"Remember you told me to tell you what was going on when I was ready? It's not really my place to do it, ask Vizanno, but I need you to know nothings going to go bad for him even if he doesn't believe that yet."

The boy didn't give his friend time to reply, he walked to his phone as quickly as he could.

To Thomas surprise, his grandfather had left lots of messages, pictures of Thomas with some of his teammates in conversation during games or training and the caption to all of the pictures was:
*is this THE one?*

The boy laughed a lot in the locker room by himself, he didn't want anyone coming to check on him so he stopped and returned to the task he went there for.

Thomas posted a picture of his family that they took during Christmas and tweeted some things, the boy even replied to some fans and he turned off his internet. The feeling of accomplishment filled his being.

He called his grandfather. The older man seemed to be waiting for the call for he answered very quickly.

~Hey, grandpa, what are you doing... texting me those things?~

Thomas laughed and heard the older man finding it amusing too.

~I'm a curious man, my boy. Did I get it right?~

~I already told you I'm not even with the guy anymore, and you didn't get it right, does grandma know you're obsessed with this?~

~who do you think found me those images? But we don't have many choices now. What about Sir? You seem close... or the long-haired tryout, he seems like your type.~

Thomas jaw dropped, he looked at the words and couldn't believe his grandparents were talking about that when he wasn't around. The boy shook his head, he should've thought that the older relatives were together on the pursuit for his involvement with Vizanno. Thomas' grandma had always been very fond of his romantic life.

~Well, grandpa, Sir is well married and I think it's offensive you'd think I'd be willing to wreck someone's house and Marcus' seeing Sky, and even if he wasn't I don't think I'd be interested in him.~

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